
Jiang Xia nodded, immediately agreed, and handed over all three bottles of meat sauce to Wang Gang. She then pretended to go find Jiang Chuan.

As expected, Wang Gang stopped her again, "You little girl, always in such a hurry that you forgot to take the cotton tickets. How will you explain this to your father if you go back empty-handed?"

Jiang Xia pretended to realize, as if she had just remembered, "I almost forgot, thank you Uncle Wang for the reminder. I'll go find my dad now, and I'll come to you in the afternoon."

"Go on then." After saying this, Wang Gang affectionately patted Jiang Xia's head.

In fact, Jiang Chuan didn't go to sell vegetables; he was discussing serious matters with Auntie Tian from the sugar factory. So, Jiang Xia didn't rush to find him. Instead, she went to the chinese medicine shop as planned to exchange the scar removal ointment formula. She would tell Jiang Chuan about her morning's events when she met him at noon.