Get In The Bicycle

It was still some distance to Shen Mo's home, and a bicycle was needed to get there. However, the bicycle Shen Mo rode today was an old-fashioned one, with a large crossbar at the front and a single seat at the back.

To ride this kind of bicycle, one usually starts by pushing it to get it rolling and then hops on. Therefore, if one is taking a passenger, it's more convenient for them to sit on the front crossbar.

In the past, young couples loved riding bicycles this way; with the girl sitting on the crossbar and the boy cycling, it felt as if the girl was in the boy's embrace.

However, Jiang Xia and Shen Mo certainly didn't have that kind of relationship. So, after glancing at the bike, Jiang Xia said, "You ride ahead, and I'll run a few steps and hop on."

Looking at the relatively tall bicycle, Shen Mo decisively refused, "No, what if you fall?"

Jiang Xia patted her chest confidently and said, "Don't worry, I'm very agile. I won't fall."