Clean Up

After returning home, Jiang Xia had already washed her hands and was preparing for dinner when she noticed Jiang Chuan was still busy in the yard. Curiously, she stepped out and saw Jiang Chuan continuously producing windows and large panes of glass.

Jiang Xia was astonished. Although these windows showed signs of use and were covered in a thick layer of dust, they were of excellent quality. The wooden frames of the windows were made from high-quality wood.

Each window was worth at least ten coin, and Jiang Chuan had over a dozen of them. Additionally, there was a pile of unbroken glass panes.

Glass was a rare commodity. Apart from the buildings in the county town, most other places used windows papered over. With the glass Jiang Chuan had, they could easily make two windows.

Jiang Xia asked, "Dad, where did you get so many windows and pieces of glass?"