Want Charcoal

After all that fuss, Jiang Xia was stubborn in her insistence. Only now did she relent, and Liu Xing couldn't help but wonder what could possibly make this obstinate little girl change her mind.

He figured, most children love to eat and can't resist sweets. If Jiang Xia wanted candies or toys that children love, perhaps Liu Xing could actually indulge her.

Normally, one would only find these items in shopping mall; the supply store wouldn't stock such non-essential items. But, fortunately, Liu Xing's wife was seven months pregnant and due soon, so he had stocked up on toys, milk powder, and candies. If Jiang Xia really wanted some, he could bear the pain of parting with a few of them.

Liu Xing had already put his hand into his pocket, searching for candies.

However, he noticed that Jiang Xia's eyes were glued to the coal brazier, watching the feeble flames lick the glowing coals, their surfaces already covered in grey ash.