Dealing With The Pickle

Jiang Xia looked at the crowd with earnestness, "Don't worry. I am not like some who break their promises. When I say something, I mean it! The idea to collect wild vegetables from all of you was my parents' idea. However, we don't buy by weight like the co-op store; we buy based on the number of plants. We only want wild vegetables that are mature and lush green. We won't buy the smaller sprouts. Why don't you all go home today and come back in a couple of days with the vegetables to exchange for money?"

A little girl, not understanding, asked, "Sister Jiang Xia, what's the difference between buying by weight and buying by plant?"

Wang Niu, fearing she might be at a disadvantage, interjected, "You're not trying to underpay us, are you? Are you trying to buy our vegetables at a lower price than by weight and then sell them at a profit?"