A Happy Family

Tian Zao came to understand that Jiang Chuan had always been fortunate. In the county town, he had stumbled upon some opportunities and made a bit of money through bartering. Thus, it made sense that Jiang Chuan's family was doing better and better, especially since Jiang Chuan was quite capable himself. He had handled the distribution of grain very well, which is why the former chief captain had offered him the position of accountant.

However, the thought of Jiang Chuan being the accountant was like a thorn in Tian Zao's heart. It wasn't that she insisted on Wang Xing for the role; she understood the logic that those with ability should be in charge. But with every new official comes the adage of 'three fires,' and it seemed some of the resulting heat had made things uncomfortable for Jiang Chuan.

Tian Zao was about to inquire further when she heard voices from the courtyard; it was Jiang Chuan and Zhou Lan returning home.