Learning to Make Sweet Potato Cake

Zhou Lan rolled up her sleeves, and it was only then that Jiang Xia noticed her wrists were bare—she had not worn the jade bracelet that Jiang Chuan had bought for her at the Locust Tree Bay black market.

Curious, Jiang Xia asked her, "Mother, why aren't you wearing your jade bracelet?"

Zhou Lan glanced at her empty wrist, unconcerned, and said, "I've been so busy these past few days, wearing it out would surely invite endless questions."

"But you can't just never wear it. Didn't dad buy it for you to wear?" Jiang Xia protested.

Zhou Lan flicked her hand, her tone casual, "I'll definitely wear it, just not yet. When our family's circumstances improve a bit more and the villagers see that, wearing it then won't bring so much suspicion."

It was then Jiang Xia realized that all along, she and Jiang Chuan thought they had been protecting Zhou Lan well, but in reality, it was Zhou Lan who allowed them to protect her.