Captain of the Village Next Door

Shen Mo originally intended to head to the commune, but halfway there he remembered he needed to make a trip to town, so he got off and went to the village entrance to catch the bus.

Jiang Chuan rode to the commune without parking his bicycle in the commune's bike shed, fearing it would draw too much attention and provoke discussions, so he left it by the roadside not far from the commune.

As he walked into the courtyard of the commune, he immediately noticed that there were more than twice as many people as usual. He found it odd; he hadn't heard of any events happening at the commune, so why were there so many people today? Moreover, there were many unfamiliar faces that Jiang Chuan had never seen before, not seeming like villagers.

While Jiang Chuan was pondering how to navigate through the crowd to reach his office, he spotted Captain Chen Xing striding towards the commune's office building in the distance.