Likes You?

During the meal, Jiang Qing noticed Shen Mo sitting outside, chatting with others, and occasionally glancing at Jiang Xia. She asked Jiang Xia, "Xiao Xia, does Shen Mo like you?"

Jiang Xia replied nonchalantly, "Big sister, what are you talking about? That's impossible."

Jiang Qing, having experienced more of life, understood matters of the heart and said, "If he wasn't interested in you, why would he keep stealing glances at you? Maybe he came this noon just for you, not expecting so many people to be here and his plans to go awry."

Jiang Xia didn't take it seriously, responding, "Big sister, you're overthinking it. Shen Mo is a noble young master from the county town, surrounded by countless young ladies. Don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Lan, unable to watch any longer, intervened, "Silly girl, let me ask you, among all those chasing Shen Mo, has he ever treated anyone like he treats you?"