
To start a supply and marketing cooperative, one must have ample reserves. Although Xiao Li had some money, he lacked other items. At present, bartering goods was still necessary as money alone was not enough.

Jiang Chuan said, "Xiao Li, don't worry. I can provide some rice, flour, and meat from my home for your temporary use."

Xiao Li declined, "No need, Brother Jiang. I can take the goods to be exchanged at the town's supply and marketing cooperative. My family's resources can support us."

Jiang Chuan insisted, "It's still cold, and you can't go to town every day to exchange goods. Take these items for now, and once the cooperative is fully operational, you can return them to me."

Touched, Xiao Li no longer refused and nodded in agreement.

After settling the matter, Xiao Li and Xiao Wu went about their respective tasks.

Jiang Chuan, who still had to work, stayed at the commune to handle affairs.