Visiting Family

Shen Mo nodded, "I know, and I'll wait for you. Just don't avoid me, that's all I ask."

Today, Jiang Xia was in a good mood, which was evident from the food she prepared: braised pork, chicken stewed with mushrooms, fried pork in sweet and sour sauce, and rib soup. The feast was as lavish as a New Year's celebration.

Afterward, Shen Mo often visited their house, and each time, Jiang Xia would prepare a grand feast. Even Jiang Chuan, her father, would jokingly express jealousy, saying, "My dear daughter has never treated me this well. She's been charmed away by some rascal!"

Both of them blushed and remained silent, but Jiang Xia continued to treat Shen Mo well, in her own way.