Punished? Who? (V)

Chang Ah's face turned scarlet in outrage when she heard Yang Ning's brazen words. She wants to punish her maid in front of her?


'Has this girl lost her mind? Is she trying to pick a fight with her?'

Punishing her maid in front of everyone means looking down on her and challenging her authority in the household.

Until now, nobody dared to point a finger against Xing Bao, not only because she is the Head Maid of the Yang Household but also because she is the personal maid of Chang Ah, who has come to the Yang Household along with her in dowry after the marriage.

Because of this reason, Yang Ning had silently borne the insults that Xing Bao has thrown at her until now as she did not want to create a ridge between her and Chang Ah, who controls all the actions of Yang Luoyang behind the doors of their bedroom.