Punished? Who? (IX)

" I…I gifted you that dress?" Chang Ah was dumbfounded when Yang Ning told her that the dress she wore to the Banquet was none other than the one she had gifted her on her birthday.

Chang Ah gulped her saliva nervously and consciously glanced at her husband, whose silence was speaking more than his words.

How can this happen? It wasn't her mother's dress?


Chang Ah pursed her lips and was hoping for Yang Luoyang to not ask her anything in front of Yang Ning.

She had told Yang Luoyang that she needed to buy Yang Ning a beautiful and expensive dress for her birthday present and even received the extra money for the same.

However, rather than spending that money on Yang Ning's dress, she bought a silk scarf for herself while she bought a cheap dress for Yang Ning from the local market shop.

Why would she waste her money just for her birthday present? It's not like Yang Ning deserves anything expensive on her birthday.