Master Jiang Tai

Yang Ning sighed in relief and secretly waved at Xing Bao with a smirk on her face when the guards dragged her out of the room. 

She was glad that Xing Bao was punished as she had wanted but the punishment was not up to her liking. 

It was too light for the crimes that she had committed until now. 

Too bad that she was only punished to be flogged hundred times, otherwise the way she has treated Yang Ning and Xiaowei until now and has misused her power as the Head Maid, she deserves to be investigated officially by the state and be punished accordingly. 

At least their punishment would not be as light as hers if Xing Bao were to be punished by the laws of the Empire. Because the laws for the servants misbehaving with their masters are way more ruthless than just being flogged 100 times.