Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation.

The head police officer and the guards were stunned when Zheng Liang suddenly jumped into the lake to save the woman. There were guards and the head police officer, who was there to protect him and assist him, yet he jumped into the lake himself. 

" WHAT ARE YOU GUYS STANDING HERE FOR? HURRY UP AND JUMP! HOW CAN YOU LET THE CROWN PRINCE JUMP INTO THE LAKE?" The head police officer panicked and shouted at the guards, who were standing there in a daze and were wondering what to do in this complicated situation. 

The guards were about to jump into the lake when they heard a nonchalant voice from behind, " No need. His Highness has led many battles at the frontier, do you think he cannot save a woman from drowning?" Gu Lan, who was silently watching the things unfolding, stopped the Head police officer from sending the guards to save Zheng Liang and the woman.