Lost Memories!

After Gu Lan left the chamber, Zheng Liang let out a sigh of relief and proceeded to open the letter that had come from the Yang Household.

However, as soon as he opened the letter, his eyes widened in shock and bafflement. His mouth parted in stillness as he was at loss for words. 

"What….What is this?" He exclaimed in disbelief to see the handwriting that was hardly readable and was one of the hideous and sloppiest writings he has ever seen. 

The letter paper has been covered in black ink drops here and there as if the person is using the pen and ink for the first time. 

Yang Ning is the eldest daughter of the Yang Household and should have received the basic education that all the noble ladies of the Zheng Empire get from a young age. 

  Calligraphy is one of the arts that has been taught at a young age to all the nobles and aristocrats, along with the ladies.