Personal Carrier.

The guards were left speechless when they heard Xiaowei's words. Yang Ning shot the bear down? The eldest daughter of the Yang Household, who is known to be a vicious brat, has killed the bear and saved the lives of the people?

How can it be possible? So…it was not Guard Gu but Lady Yang Ning?

However, how can it be possible? The guards were in disbelief. How can a lady like her kill the wild bear with just one shot? 

It was already hard enough for new guards who are learning the art of shooting, using bow and arrow. How can she kill the wild bear in a single shot? She is just a noble lady after all who hasn't received any training in archery or hunting. 

The guards looked at Gu Lan in bewilderment and were waiting for him to stand up and correct the girl. The girl must be bluffing. There is no way Yang Ning could do that.