Royal Court IV

All the ministers sighed in relief after listening to the testimony of the man and were secretly smiling when the Emperor declared Zheng Liang would be locked in his chamber for a week as a punishment to go overboard with his responsibilities and attempt to frame others.

Although it would have been better if he had given Zheng Liang a harsher punishment, it is still better than nothing. 

They were aware that Zheng Liang was not lying and was telling the truth, but they were still relieved that this matter was buried before it got out of hand. 

Otherwise, like a domino effect, all the other cases of corruption in the palace would come to the surface one by one and harm all the high-ranking officials and the ministers. 

Just as everyone was hoping this court session would come to an end soon so that they could go back to their offices to relax, Zheng Huang said something which caused everyone's smile to disappear immediately.