Holding Hands.

"Your Highness! You're still here? I just saw Her Highness leaving the chamber and she was going to the Main Palace residence with her maid. Shouldn't you go along with her to pay respect to His and Her Majesty?" Gu Lan asked in puzzlement. 

He came to Zheng Liang's study room to pick up the documents that he left in the room last night and was surprised to see Zheng Liang sitting at his working desk and busy writing something with a frown on his face. 

What could he be writing so diligently that he forgot to go along with Yang Ning to pay respects to His and Her Majesty? 

He got married only yesterday and he already started working. If Court lady Zhu finds out about it, she will give him a big lecture about it and will nag at him for busying Zheng Liang with work. 

But in reality, he didn't even know that Zheng Liang was in the study room.