Ugly and Single.

"Hah! I almost died of exhaustion today." Yang Ning groaned as she plopped on the bed after a long day. She didn't care about her heavy dress or tightly secured hair bun getting ruined and sighed in delight after she got to lie on the bed after so long. 

" I wish I could lie like this all day long." She closed her eyes and murmured with her eyes closed. She wants to sleep peacefully without getting disturbed by anyone and does not want to follow this strict routine every day. 

Because if she follows this strict palace schedule every day, her energy will wear out sooner rather than later. 

After performing the tea ceremony in the morning, she and Zheng Liang went on a parade around the capital. For the parade, they rode a horse carriage which was decorated with flowers, and satin clothes were wrapped around the carriage in a decorative way to make it more beautiful and festive.