Rebellious Crown Princess

When Yang Ning finally woke up the next morning, she discovered the sun shining high in the sky, indicating it was already approaching noon. Unlike her experiences in the royal palace, Xiaowei hadn't awakened her early, allowing her to sleep in until the growling of her stomach roused her from slumber.

In a haze of confusion, she realized it was late in the morning, and Zheng Liang had already left for work.

Her fingers gently traced the empty space next to her on the bed, a soft smile gracing her lips. Although she had drifted off early the previous night, she had awoken in the middle of it, finding herself nestled within Zheng Liang's embrace.

A rosy blush adorned her cheeks as she realized her face had been pressed against his chest, her hands entwined around his waist. They had been so intimately close, sensing the rise and fall of his chest and hearing the rhythm of his heartbeat.