Give me a bath.

Zheng Liang gently dried Yang Ning's hair with a towel, his gaze fixed on her flushed cheeks as he observed her reflection in the mirror. The fragrant scent of flowers emanated from her freshly washed hair.

To ease the girl's restlessness under his intense gaze, he casually asked, "What did you do today?"

Feeling a nervous twinge for some unknown reason, Yang Ning nervously gulped before replying, "Ah? I... I just slept. The long journey left me tired, so I took the opportunity to rest and recharge." She gave the same excuse that she had taught Xiaowei to give to the other maids.

Zheng Liang remained unfazed, humming nonchalantly. "Hmm! Rest is indeed important."

With a meaningful smile, he continued to gently rub the towel against her dark and thick hair. "Since you rested the entire day, I will take you out tomorrow to explore the city."

"You must have been bored staying at the residence all day," he added.