He is such a pervert.

"The Spring Festival Carnival?" Yang Ning was taken aback when Zheng Liang mentioned it.

If her memory served her right, it was the same carnival where Zheng Liang had taken Hou Wei, the female lead, out of the palace for an outing after returning from their trip to another city where their carriage had been attacked on their way back to the capital and Zheng Liang had gotten hurt during the attack.

In the novel, he used the excuse that he had business to attend to outside the palace, and as the nurse who was in charge of treating him at that time, he had asked Hou Wei to accompany him.

It had been a weak excuse, as Zheng Liang had recovered from his injury and the trip to the central market wasn't long enough to warrant the presence of a nurse or physician. Nevertheless, Hou Wei had agreed to accompany him without questioning the reason, simply because it was an order from the Crown Prince.