Past will repeat itself!

"Mm! These are so delicious. It's hard to believe I nearly missed out on their taste," Yang Ning exclaimed as she relished the lamb skewers in her hand. The couple strolled back toward where their carriage was parked.

In a typical setting, Gu Lan would have arranged for the carriage to be ready, but considering they were in a bustling place like the central market during the spring festival carnival, it was impossible for him to discreetly bring the carriage without drawing attention to their royal identities as the Crown Prince and Princess.

Zheng Liang, who was carrying Yang Ning's shopping bags, flashed a warm smile and remarked, "I am pleased I bought these for you. Otherwise, you would have never forgiven me for almost depriving you of this delightful local treat. You would have banished me to the guest chamber for sure," he added with a playful tone, hinting at how easily she gives him such punishments in passing.