National Crime

Zheng Liang leaned casually on the armrest of the throne, supporting his chin with his fingers, and wore a provocative smile as he looked at Yang Luoyang. "Why don't you understand? I was quite clear in my statement. The spy you're talking about, the one who attacked Minister Qin's son and left him battered, is none other than myself," he declared.

Yang Luoyang found himself at a loss for words in response to Zheng Liang's statement, unsure if the prince was being serious or playing a prank. He glanced around in disbelief and said, "Your Highness, if this is a jest, it's not the right time for such humor."

Zheng Huang furrowed his brow upon hearing his son's statement and scolded him sternly, "Zheng Liang, what nonsense are you speaking? This is not a time for jests. It's a serious matter." He reprimanded his son, urging him to take the situation seriously and not make frivolous comments.