Disown my wife.

Yang Luoyang didn't allow Chang Ah to utter another word. He ruthlessly seized her hair and delivered a series of harsh slaps, rendering her semi-conscious and sprawled lifelessly on the ground. Her face bore the evidence of the brutal assault – a canvas of red imprints and blood. Her meticulously chosen blue dress, once elegant, now bore the stains of dirt, symbolizing the wreckage of her carefully crafted facade.

He then turned to face Zheng Liang, bowing apologetically, and said, "Your Highness, please forgive me for my impertinence. I had to teach this woman a lesson. I cannot believe that she was treating my precious daughter in such a horrid way. Please forgive me."

Observing him feigning the role of a concerned father, Yang Ning couldn't help but regard him with disgust. After subjecting his daughter to years of mistreatment, torture, and gaslighting, he now portrayed himself as blameless, shifting the responsibility entirely onto Chang Ah.