Eternal Enemy or a Loyal Friend.

Zhu Yating frowned upon hearing Yang Ning's provocative words. The remarks struck a nerve, and Zhu Yating clenched her dress at the sides, gritting her teeth. She confronted Yang Ning, "What are you trying to do here? Did you come to humiliate me and complain to my husband? Does your husband know that you're not as innocent as you portray, but in reality, a vixen with two faces?" She said coldly, momentarily forgetting about the difference in their positions.

Yang Ning reclined comfortably on Zhu Yating's bed, elegantly crossing one leg over the other. She nonchalantly twirled strands of her hair, a sly smirk playing on her lips as she provocatively locked eyes with Zhu Yating. With an air of mockery, she spoke, "Firstly, my husband knows every facet of who I am and loves me for it. No need for pretenses, unlike your little charade."