Wifey is always right.

During lunch, Yang Ning kept the conversation flowing, engaging His Majesty in discussion while also including the two awkward brothers from time to time. Thanks to her initiative and skill in maintaining an interesting conversation, the meal, which started with an uncomfortable silence, went peacefully without causing indigestion to anyone.

"Father, did you try the sweet fruit beverage I sent you the other day? Did you enjoy it?" Yang Ning inquired, introducing a new topic as she picked up a piece of meatball that Zheng Liang had put into her rice bowl.

Zheng Huang glanced at his daughter-in-law and beamed at her question. "Of course, I did. It was delicious. I never imagined that mangoes mashed into a paste would blend so well with sweet cold milk. I have had many desserts before, but it was my first time experiencing something so delicious and refreshing," the old man exclaimed with excitement.