Third Wheel.

Upon reaching the Dragon Pavilion, the maids ushered Zheng Liang and Zheng Xiang to the dining room where Yang Ning had made the arrangements. As they entered the dining room, their eyes fell upon a long wooden table adorned with an array of dishes, their mouthwatering aroma spreading in the air and igniting hunger.

'Wasn't it supposed to be a simple meal? How did it turn into a feast?' Zheng Liang was taken aback by the detailed preparations his wife had made. Although they typically enjoyed meals with 5-8 dishes, the current spread rivaled a grand feast with at least 15 dishes. 

Perplexed, he wondered, 'What is going on? Is there some special occasion today?'

He furrowed his brows and glanced at Zheng Xiang, who was standing next to him. Just like Zheng Liang, he was also stunned by the feast that awaited them.

'Is it because of him?' Zheng Liang pursed his lips, feeling annoyed by his brother for attracting his wife's attention.