Beef Noodle Soup

The next morning, Yang Ning woke up to find the bed beside her empty and cold, a stark reminder that Zheng Liang had departed for the royal court hours earlier. As she sat up, her body felt weak and exhausted. Remembering the events of the previous night, she pursed her lips and felt guilt wash over her for potentially ruining everything.

They finally had some quality time for themselves, making love, but she ruined everything. How could she suddenly get angry and snap at him, spoiling the mood and even crying? 

"Why are my mood swings getting worse these days? Is it because my periods are approaching?" she wondered.

Whatever the reason, it was embarrassing! She had ruined everything.

With a soft sigh, she rubbed her aching temples and massaged her stiff neck. Glancing at the closed window, she noticed the sunlight peeking through. It was unusually strong, not typical for the morning sun.