Congratulations! You're going to be a Father.

Master Jiang carefully positioned Yang Ning's wrist on the small wrist pillow and closed his eyes to examine her pulse. After a few moments, he gently returned her wrist to the bed. Then, he extended his hand, and Hou Wei handed him the wooden tongue depressor.

After inspecting Yang Ning's tongue, he placed his hand on her abdomen for further examination. Despite harboring doubts about her condition, he was cautious not to make any diagnostic errors, which is why he took longer than usual to conduct his examination.

Hou Wei, standing on the side and assisting Master Jiang by handing him the necessary items during the examination, watched with widened eyes as he conducted his actions. A smile tugged at her lips in surprise. While others might not grasp the significance of Master Jiang's actions, as the nurse, she could see what is wrong with the Crown Princess.