Chapter -1

Luna  was an college student with uniqueness overloaded 

Luna have a different style and liking so no one was ready to be friend with her but she was  not even bothered a little about that 

Jessy her  only friend in Luna's  life  its more like she is adjusting a lot to be Luna's  friend Luna  hate that  completely  but  Jessy  is happy about  her  sacrifice 

Luna's  main motive of life is BE YOURSELF 

Jessy " Hey Luna have you heard about Jake's pool party "

Luna " Yes just right before  entering the library we met and he just invited me "

Jessy " So what's your plan are you going or not "

Luna " For the first time in my life I feel like going to the party "

Jessy " Really ok then I will pick you up at 7 PM "

By the voice Luna understood that Jessy is very excited that they were going for the party 

Then that evening both of them got ready and went to the Jake's  pool party 

Jake " Hey  guys both of you are looking stunning tonight "

Jessy "Oh thanks Jake we will just join with others" 

Jake " Sure I'll join you guys soon " 

After everyone came Jake asked everyone something that made the guys excited 

Jake " Hey guys I have been thinking about something for a while now "

Jessy " Something what is that Jake ?? " 

Jake " How about we guys go for a treaking to that highest mountain " 

Jessy " That's a great plan It's a good way to spend our day out together " 

Luna " It would be better if we go for a camping on the middle of the forest that's outer our city "

Jessy " What are you speaking Luna are you crazy do you know hw dangerous that is " 

Jake " Yes Luna Jessy is correct and I have heared that there were deadly wild wolf pack was living there it's very dangerous for us to go there especially camping there is no way " 

Luna " I'm going there no way I'll withdraw from my plan if anyone is interested in joining with me you are always welcomed "

But to the disappointment no one is ready to join Luna and her deadly adventure , on the other hand Jake and Jessy are trying their best to convince Luna but she is firm in her decision . 

Luna came home and gone straight  his dad 

Luna " Dad can I ask you something " 

[ Lu Dad - Luna Dad , Lu Mom - Luna Mom ]

Lu Dad " Ofcourse sweetheart anything for you " 

Luna " Can I go for a camping " 

Lu Dad " Sure , so have you decided the spot for your camping " 

Luna " Yes , dad in the middle of the forest that is in outer city " 

When Luna said that her mom droped the bowl she was holding 

Lu Mom " What the hell are you speaking Luna there is no way I'm allowing you to go there " 

Lu Dad " Don't discourage her let her experience new things , I'm on your side sweetheart " 

Luna " Thanks dad, mom I'll be fine just trust me" 

After defeating her mom's thought Luna went to her room excitedly and started to pack the things that are required for her . 

Luna packed her things and went out of the house early in morning ; cause it would take late noon for her to reach the center of the forest even if she has left early morning as the forest is very deep . 

Lu Mom " I just hope she would come home safe and sound " 

Lu Dad " Ofcourse she will " 

The news Luna left to the forest for camping spread like wildfire in her university and among her friends . 

Jessy is so much worried about her but she is totally helpless ; she don't even have a single idea about what to do next . 

Meanwhile  Luna was driving towards the forest as when she reached the entrance of the forest  it was almost about 2 pm . 

Luna " I think now I have no other way instead of walking " 

She took her essential things and went inside the forest 

Luna " Wow just by looking at its scenary I feel very relaxed " 

She walked further inside and by the sunset she reached the middle of the forest .

Luna " Ok let's start to make our camp house " 

She just talked to herself , but it's not new for her as she has spent most of the days in her life alone .

When she set everything ready for her to live under a camp the moon has already shown his face for a long time 

Luna " Its not so bad as everyone describing " 

Luna walked around and collected some log and some sticks to make herself warm as well as to make dinner for her .

Luna " Ok this would do now let me cook something simple " 

After completing her dinner she went around her camp for a little walk and found a spot where she can see the stars clearly she sat under a tree and looked at the starts still she felt sleepy . 

Luna went to the camp and slept soundly as she was tired by walking and doing things all day . 

As the time strikes twelve when the midnight came something unexpected appears in that place

A pack of werewolf's appeared there  ; thats there orginal place were they live but it is invisible to human eyes only at midnight especially under the moonlight there homes will be visible to human eyes . 

They even have a border were humans were strictly prohibited , if anyone enters they will be killed brutally that's the reason why everyone in the city is afraid of this forest . 

Luna was sleeping exactly at the border , Alpha of the pack as well as other wolfs smelled human so the border security was dashing towards the border to check the security . 

Nate " Hey Aariv I smell something nice the scent is so sweet it's attracting me towards that " 

Aariv " Hey boy thats good , follow the scent I think that's the smell of your soulmate " 

Nate and Aariv are bestfriends and simple delta of the pack , in werewolf pack everyone would found their soulmate when they turn 18 . Aariv has found his soulmate right after he turned 18 as she is from the same pack . 

But in Nate's case he turned 21 but haven't found his soulmate yet , this lead him into a depression and he was desperately waited for his mate . 

Nate " Finally after all my waiting I found her " 

Aariv " But wait a second it's midnight so no wolf would be wandering around at this time leaving there pack , that means " 

Nate " That means what , don't scare the hell out of me Aariv " 

Aariv " Hey you dummy the only person new here is some human that means your soulmate is that human" 

Nate " But human mate is against our law , what will I do now " 

Aariv " That is the matter now who will you choose our pack or your mate "