Chapter - 4

Luna " wow that's great , I came here to camp "

Zack " That's amazing and brave to come here alone for camping that's pretty big for a average girl " 

Luna " Thanks , oh it's getting late I'll take my leave now see you around " 

Zack " If you don't mind you can join me for lunch and we can have a little chat to get to know each other " 

Exactly when both Zack and Luna heard a growl of a wolf from back of Luna . The growl is getting louder a white wolf with blood dripping from his fangs stood infront of Zack . 

Luna " Woofy what are you doing , he will not harm us" 

The moment the wolf turned to look  at Luna , Zack tried to attack the wolf as a result the wolf was fast enough to dodge the attack within a second Zack was lying under the wolf . The wolf was looking at Zack with fierce . 

Luna " Woofy I said leave him , please don't harm him " 

Zack " Luna run from here or else this wolf will attack you " 

Luna " No Zack I completely trust my woofy he will not harm anyone " 

Zack noticed that Luna's words are convincing the wolf , and he moved from Zack to set him free and stood infront of Luna like a pet wolf . 

Luna " That's my boy , even though I met you this morning somehow I fell connected to you  " 

" Of course it should be coz we are going to spend the rest of our life together , only you can control my anger my Mate " Nate thought in his mind 

Luna " Ok woofy looks like you had your lunch perfectly now go and wash the blood from your teeth" 

Nate's wolf left a low growl and started to clean the blood with his saliva and for some dried blood in his fur , he went straight to the river and cleaned himself completely totally clean without the trace of blood . 

Zack " Wow I'm totally speechless you have trained him perfectly " 

Luna " No Zack you mistook something I met  this wolf only this morning , even I'm surprised to see this " 

Zack " Something seems fishy , is this a werewolf that sir was talking about " he thought in his mind . 

Luna " Umm hello are you there ?" 

Zack " Yes , uhh let me lit up the fire as it is starting to get darker " 

Luna " Ok , let me help you " 

Both were busy in the conversation to notice that Nate's wolf was looking at them with pure jealous in his eyes 

Aariv " Hey Nate, where are you everyone has started to gather around the main house for the night swift " he informed through their mind link 

Nate don't want leave Luna alone especially with him , but now he have no other choice . 

Aariv " Hey Nate , come fast man I can't manage more " 

Aariv closed the mindlink Nate growled while looking at Luna and ran from there . 

Luna "What happened to woofy , where is he going" 

Zack " May be to see his family , now let's chat a little " 

Luna " Not now Zack " while replying Luna went out the cave and layed in the side and look at the stars 

* In Pack house * 

Aariv " Finally you are here if you are late for more than five minutes Erick would have created a scene here " 

Nate " Don't worry it will not happen as I'm here now " 

Aariv " Ofcourse it won't " 

Both are having little conversion laughing , as the conversation going Nate suddenly changed his face expression which had angry and jealous on it 

Aariv " What's wrong , are you ok " 

Nate " Yes , Ok just .... ahh leave it I don't even want to talk about it " 

Alpha " It's going to be midnight soon , now everyone can move and do your individual work " 

By hearing that Nate's eyes widen , " Is it midnight already " 

Aariv " Yes , now are you going to tell me or not whats going inside that head of yours " 

Nate " I will tell you for sure but not now " 

Nate ran from there to the cave where she left Luna . When he reached there Luna was sleeping peacefully , but Zack is awake and looks like he is waiting for someone . 

Zack " Wow wow look who we have here " 

Nate was confused coz he was in his human form , but what is the meaning for what Zack stated .

Zack " Don't be too confused  wolf  ohh sorry werewolf right " he said that with a smirk in his face . 

Nate " Who are you , whats the motto for you to approach us "

Nate was getting furious and ready to throw a fist at Zack . 

Zack " Don't be  furious man , don't make noise  what if Luna wakes up and saw you in this form and finds out the truth about you , do you think she would accept you for who you are ? and love you back " 

He walked out the cave while waking Nate's inner wolf , Nate took his step to walk towards the cave but he froze in his spot when he heard Luna's voice 

Luna " Zack is that you ? " 

To make Nate's condition worse , Zack was again entering the cave with a big smirk in his face . 

Luna " Zack is that you ?" 

Zack " Yes , It's me just going out to get some air you just continue sleeping I'll come back within few mins " he replied from the back of Nate who is standing in front of him . 

Nate's mind was hopping with Zack's action . After few second Nate went to Zack to clear his mind , but when he went out Zack was not there . 

Nate " Where does he went within seconds " 

With the confusion Nate started to roam around that place , soon the sun started to rise Nate was getting ready to leave 

But he spotted Zack behind the bush little far from the cave , it seems like Zack was talking to someone .

Without wasting any time Nate started to walk towards the place , when he reached the destination without a word Nate kept his hands on Zack's shoulder .

Nate " Zack , what were you doing here and with whom you were talking till now " he said and his eyes roamed their surroundings for abnormal  movements . 

Zack's eyes got widen and he is struggling for an answer 

Nate " Looks like you are hiding something , is there any dark secret for your visit here " 

Zack " No man , you got me wrong I just saw a little rabbit out here and trying to catch it " 

In this whole time Zack is avoiding the eye contact with Nate .

Nate " Ok I'll leave now make sure * MY LUNA * is safe " and within split second Nate transformed into his wolf form and left the place . 

Zack is totally delighted that he escaped from the eyes of the most loyal delta of the pack Nate . 

After a little while Luna got up and having her regular morning routine