Chapter -7

Erick " Nate just turned into his human form "

Alpha " so what's wrong in that we are werewolves right "

Erick " I mean just look at the time it's not even midnight how can he shift his form "

Alpha " Yeah that's right I haven't thought about that I think the moon goddess is making this for him to realise his true identity "

Erick "  Not just that there is one more thing I saw there "

Alpha " What "

Erick " I saw Nate with a human girl near the border of the pack "

Alpha " How dare to bring a human inside our border, show me the way to that place "

Erick " Sure alpha "

Erick lead the way to the cave and Alpha followed him.

Erick reached the cave two steps ahead of  Alpha and he saw Zack out of the cave without wasting any second Erick notified Zack by a little howl.

As soon as Zack heard the howl he looked in the direction of the sound and found Alpha behind Erick so he hid immediately.

Alpha " Erick why did you howl now "

Erick " I'm sorry alpha it just slipped and not on purpose "

Nate who was inside the cave heard the howl that was made by Erick, he came out to see what was happening.

When he came he saw Erick with an alpha who was fuming in anger.

Nate " Alpha " looked down dare not to look in his eyes.

Luna was confused by the sudden action and Nate so she came out to check on him.

Luna " Nate what are you doing here "

Nate " Luna go inside the cave now " he shouted a little.

Nate panicked a lot when he heard Luna's voice, Alpha started to howl loud while looking at Luna, the situation is not helping Nate to think about what to do next.

For the first time, Luna got scared after she came to this forest by the howl of Alpha.

Nate " I can explain please don't harm her "

But those words are not effective alpha started to walk towards Luna.

Nate " Please alpha I beg you please don't harm her " he fell to his knees in front of the Alpha.

Alpha " There is no way I'm letting her breath again out of my way you lame delta " he howled louder than before.

Nate " Just punish me she doesn't even know who I'm am and what we are "

Erick stepped in with a cunning Idea " I think it's better to kill both of them alpha "

Nate " Step aside Erick, whatever happening here is only just because of you"

Erick "Why are you blaming me I'm just loyal to alpha"

Luna "Nate what are you don't tell me you are talking to those wolves."

Nate " For God's Shake don't ask me anything now can you please wait in the cave"

Luna didn't move an inch her fear turned into curiosity so she ignored Nate's word and waited there to watch what is going to happen.

Alpha "Looks like your mate likes to disobey your words "

It triggered Nate, even more, he took a step close to Alpha

Alpha " Nate step back I'm the pack leader you have to obey my orders "

For Luna, it just heard as a great howl, and Nate did not seem to bother by that and took a few more steps closer to Alpha.

And for some reason, both Nate and Alpha was looking at each other in silence with anger on their face.

Time strikes midnight both Alpha and Erick turned to their human form, as well as aariv who came to protect Nate cause he felt like Nate was in danger.

Luna frost in her spot of what she looked in front of her eyes.

Soon the whole pack of humans came near the cave. For more than a decade this was Nate's hiding spot but not after this.

Alpha was sitting on a high rock while others surrounded him a little far from him.

Alpha " Bring me the family of this traitor "

Nate " No don't harm them just punish me for this mistake "

While Nate was talking to Alpha, Erick slowly tied Luna with a rope and held her like a hostage with Nate's family members.

Alpha " Nate you were an obedient delta in my pack I haven't even dreamt you will change against me "

Nate " I had no choice she is my mate is that my fault that I got my mate as a human " he fell to his knees.

Alpha " It's not your fault but still it's not right that you hid her so deserves to die "

Nate " No please spare her life you can take my life instead "

Alpha " My heart wants to listen to you but my mind doesn't want to "

Alpha gave some random wolf a signal they approached luna with their sharp paws and fangs.

Nate is looking at that felt an urge to stop the scene that is happening in front of him.

Exactly when one of the paws reached Luna's neck, Nate growled louder than ever.

Everyone was terrorized by the sound as it was beyond their imagination.

His eyes shined with different colours and ended with blue and purple in each eye.

Nate's mom " Nate are you ok what is happening here "

Elder " Here comes our true alpha, the king of this pack "

Whoever presented was frozen with shock in their place. While everyone was shocked an unfamiliar voice was heard by all.

Nate "I said to leave my mate and family alone," he said in an unfamiliar voice that none of them from the pack heard that.

Nate Mom " Nate what happened to you your voice has changed"

Exactly when one of the elders enters the pack house.

Elder " He is not the Delta you guys known so far, he will be our new alpha our continue to lead our pack"

Nate's Mom " There is no way this would happen he is just a Delta how can he be an alpha "

Alpha " You have to accept the truth, we just found his true nature his Alpha wolf has laid low till this day that's the reason for us to delay finding his true identity "

Nate " That's great now step aside and let my family and mate leave this place "

Luna " Can someone tell me what is happening here"

Elder " You are a human right "

Luna " What's with this silly question like you guys are non-human "

Elder " You are right we are werewolves and non-human "

Nate " you saw it with your own eyes, Luna when everyone transferred from werewolf to humans "

Luna " Still, I can't believe it, just give me some time"

Alpha " There is no more time Nate hasn't taken his responsibility as alpha yet, so you have to obey my orders"

Elder " But Alpha "