Chapter - 14

Queen reached the castle with the injury, when she entered the main hall alpha king was having some meeting with the elders. When the alpha king looked at the queen, he panicked and quickly ran toward her

Alpha King " what happened why are you injured? "

Queen " Just got involved in a little fight I'm ok just don't worry about me "

Alpha King " Look at you, you're bleeding and you are telling me to not get worried "

He got the first aid kit and bandaged her wounds.

Alpha King " Now tell me what happened "

Queen " Some of the rogues want to go out of the pack and some were refusing to join the pack "

Alpha King " Just because of that you got into a fight "

Queen " I had another situation too but now I'm not ready to talk about that when the time is right I'll tell you that myself "

Alpha King " Ok then and for the rogues I'll send someone to look over that issue so don't stress yourself too much "

He kissed her forehead and took her to their room for rest. That following day alpha king was watching the queen and fulfilling her needs.

The next day in the main hall, as the usual meeting was going on before the starting of meetings elders, asked about the whereabouts of the queen in pure concern.

The meeting continued Alpha King was discussing the matters in a pack and asking for ideas on how to solve the problem.

In the middle of the meeting, Queen joined them everyone was surprised cause it was the first time queen was getting herself involved in the pack matters. She even gave her suggestions, without anyone's expectation queen asked a question

Queen " I have a question, I'm the mate of the Wolf King of all packs which means I'm the queen of the whole wolf packs right," she asked while looking at the elders.

Elder " The total wolf clan will be always under the control of moon goddess and for now you will be the queen but in actual point queen of the wolves will also be selected like how the king was selected, king of the wolves is strongest among the whole male wolves same will be applied for the queen she will be the strongest among the whole female wolves " one of the elders replied.

Queen " So you are saying that I'm not suitable for him so if anyone came like strongest among the whole she-wolf then my mate would leave me for her," she said while tearing up as well as she is now very furious.

Elder " I don't mean it in that way, till now we had a note that the King or queen of the wolves would come from the immortal wolf clan but it's the first time we were getting a normal wolf as a king so we are not certain if there is the queen of wolves for now "

Both Alpha King and Queen got shocked when they heard immortal wolves.

Alpha King " But immortal wolves or just a myth right "

Elders " No they are real we had a note of centuries ago about how they ruled the whole wolf pack as a wolf kingdom "

Alpha King " Where are they now? " he became curious about what there was about so he asked the elders lots of questions.

This annoyed the queen so she left from there, elders noticed it

Elders " We will refer to some notes and give you details about them now it's time for us to leave "

All the elders left from there that's when the alpha king noticed the absence of the queen, so he went to their room looking for her.

Alpha King " How is your injury now and how do you get the thought of asking about the queen to the elders out of nowhere? "

Queen " So you got any problem with that, that I asked elders about the queen "

Alpha King " No I was just being curious " he hugged her to calm her down.

By looking at her face he understood she is lost in her temper.

After making her calm he removed the old bandage and fixed it with a new one after a few minutes queen fell asleep.

While Queen was sleeping Alpha King thought of visiting the rogue pack, he thought there is something wrong happening there and if he visit there he would get a clue for the change in the queen's behaviour.

He called some of the elders to accompany him and he reached the rogue pack, when he reached there he saw that the whole pack is a mess.

Alpha King " What is happening here "

" Can't you see we are fighting here to see who is strongest among ourselves " replied one of the rogues

Elder " You are speaking to the King show some respect "

" We are rogues do you what that means we are free wolves we don't want to listen to anyone " replied other rogues.

Alpha King " No you have to listen to my orders we have discussed already that all the free wolves will be coming under the rogue pack "

When the alpha king started to speak again the rogues jumped to attack him but being the king and strongest among all within a second he defeated everyone and now whoever jumped to attack him was lying lifeless on the floor.

Some were terrified by the scene that happened in front of their eyes and some were getting furious at his action.

" Look at you, do you think you deserve to be the king killing the innocent lives," said one rogue in furious.

Alpha King " I don't mean to do that I just tried to defend myself and you guys were doing wrong don't try to act smart and make me think I made a mistake "

Now everyone started to see the next side of Alpha King, elders were standing with pure shock

Alpha King " I'm the King of the whole wolf clan how can a mere rogue has the guts to attack me "

" Mind your words we are not mere rogues and your mate is also a rogue before you met her just keep that in mind "

Alpha King " Don't get her involved " and he ordered some wolves who he brought with him from the palace to capture the wolves whoever trying to go against him and lock them up separately.

Elders " King just think about it twice if you do so it would bring big conflict "

Alpha King " What I said is my final order," he said and turned to go back to the palace.

But when he turned around he saw the queen was standing there while burning in anger

Queen " So this is who you are? "