Chapter - 17

Moon goddess " I had enough of your power, I gave you the greater power to make the whole wolf clan happy but look what have you made now you want to become immortal right now I'll make you one "

Alpha king " I'm extremely sorry, I have done sins because of my desire to become immortal please spare me I promise I'll never do that again "

Moon Goddes doesn't even hear what he said and she looked at Rita and the queen.

Moon Goddes " Rita how are you? "

Rita just stands there looking in silent without saying any word.

Moon Goddes " I know you became impure but it's not your fault Rita"

Queen looked at them confused

queen "how come Rita is impure I have stopped him on time"

Rita " I'm sorry" she just looked at the queen feeling disgusted.

Moon goddess " You are confused right I'll clear it you went there to stop him but at the time when you went there he had already mated her and was about to mark her "

Queen's world broke into two when the goddess said this word her eyes started to tear

Alpha king " Don't listen to them they were just blabbering something "

Queen went near him and slapped him hard "I'm feeling disgusting of myself that I have mated with you "

Moon Goddes " I know it would be inappropriate to tell this now but there is no other way soon Rita would give birth to a son as he was born as the heir of an alpha king and immortal wolf his generation will be the strongest wolf among all for the eternity "

Rita " No I don't want that child I don't want to give birth to that innocent creator because of my fault "

Queen " I hate to tell this but Rita that baby also has its right to live"

Moon goddess " It's going to be tougher for you both but I hope both of you will overcome that and for now I'll take my leave " she disappeared with the alpha king.

After the moon goddess left Queen and Rita looked at each other and there was silence between them for a minute.

Queen " You have to take good rest, for now, come with me "

Rita went with the queen to the palace where the queen lived with the alpha king so far.

Queen announced that " I'm sorry for all those things happened here after there will be no king of wolves you can live freely as usual if you were a rogue you can live without restriction, if you live under the pack you have to obey your alpha "

This was sent to all the corners of the wolf clan while the queen and her children started to live like ordinary wolves.

After months Rita gave birth to a beautiful baby and the queen's children accepted her as their sister and protected her.

Meanwhile, on the moon goddess placed the alpha king granted as an immortal wolf and granted him to suffer from thunder lighting in his body throughout his lifetime. Now he has become immortal so in simple words, there is no ending for his punishment and there is no way for his death. Alpha king regretted his actions but he has no way to get out of there.

Nate closed the book and looked at the elder who is standing right beside him.

Nate " Is the alpha king still receiving the same punishment it's been more than a thousand years"

Elders " I'm not sure but there is a saying that he is still receiving the same punishment from the moon goddess "

Nate " So I have to be careful with my actions in ruling the pack right? "

Elder " Yes you have to if you perform well there is a chance for you to become a king as well "

Nate " No being an alpha is already big for me, I have to give it a thought about it please excuse me "

Nate left from there and went near to the lake cave when he reached he saw his mate was sitting on the bank of the river.

Nate went and sat near her, Luna saw her wolfy sitting near her and started to pet his fur.

Luna " Where were you till now "

Nate howled while looking in a particular direction.

Soon it was midnight and Nate shifted to his human form.

Luna saw his transformation while she was attracted by Nate's handsome face and her heart started to beat fast.

Nate noticed that and smiled a little " Aren't you enjoying it too much "

Luna looked down while trying to cover her blushing face.

Luna " We can talk about this later now tell me the things that you have to explain to me "

Nate looked around " I'm a werewolf by now you would have understood that and we have a ranking like alpha, beta, gamma and omega. Where alpha will be the leader of the pack and is the one to set the rules for the pack and beta will be his assistant to help with his work. While delta and omega are low-ranking wolves they were used for fighting and hunting "

Luna " What's your rank among them? "

Nate " I was a delta week ago but now suddenly I have become an alpha they say I'm a true alpha that is I was born with the nature of alpha but it was hidden inside me "

Luna " It's a little confusing but I think I would understand when time goes by "

Nate " Yes you will and the most important thing is your my mate in your human terms it's soulmate we are meant for each other. Werewolves were given a mate for them when we meet that particular person it may be a wolf or a human we will be hit by a sweet scent by our nostrils but for others, there will be no reaction that is the first indication the person we are seeing is our mate "

Luna " Wow this looks somewhat interesting and when do you find out that I'm your mate "

Nate opened his mouth to reply but they were interrupted by the voice from behind of them.