Chapter -20

Nate " Our former alpha has left us " he declared the death of their escaped alpha.

Erick " Nate you are the one who killed our alpha " 

Everyone was shocked by  Erick's words including Nate the crowd started to whisper among themselves. 

Nate " Erick what are you blabbering about isn't you the one who showed us where our former alpha's body was then I can also suspect you may be the one who killed him and showed us to hide the dirt in your hands " 

Erick looked at everyone " I have been a loyal beta to the former alpha for all those years and now you suspect me of killing him " he let out his crocodile tears. 

" Yes we have seen how loyal Erick was, he would never do something like that," said one of the wolves. 

Nate looked around and he found that now if he point out at Erick it would come back to him as for now his pack was totally on his side and Nate don't even have proof to show that Erick is wrong. 

Nate "I'm sorry Erick I just blamed you, but I don't mean that from my heart I was just frustrated as you I'm the one to blame for not taking good care of our former alpha who was under my custody. And I apologize to each of you for my incapability " 

The words Nate told touched everyone's heart, and the wolf's face lit up a little. Nate noticed that and promised that the same mistake will never be repeated and that he will find out the real culprit who killed the alpha and serve them right. After those words, each went on their way to carry on their work.

Nate went to his cabin followed by Aariv.

Aariv " That thug Erick has two faces he is such a good liar "  

Nate " I know soon we have to reveal his true color in front of everyone " 

They discussed a few things about the packing issue and now it's time to wrap things up. The sun started to set. 

Aariv " The time flies so fast, we started the search in the morning and I feel like just a few hours passed but it's already started to get dark " 

Nate " Yes, it indeed " 

Aariv " Looks like someone was getting ready to run to their mate " 

Nate " Stop teasing me, now go and search for your mate " 

Aariv " What if I too had a human mate like you then it's going to take me forever to find my mate " 

Nate " Don't worry you'll find her soon, so go and take a rest as well as alert the guards who were on the guard tonight " 

Aariv " Sure alpha " with that both left the place.

Nate went straight to the cave as soon as he reached the cave Luna came towards him. Being a kind girl Luna worries about all the pack members so she asked Nate about them, and he howled in response. Nate sighed and thought to himself when he will get to mate her that's the only way she can hear and understand him.   

Luna " Soon It will be midnight Nate I know you want to tell me more " 

Nate just nodded his head and sat near Luna while she started to caress his fur. Some time flies by and midnight came Nate transformed into his human form when the mid-moonlight hit on him. No matter how many times Luna looked at him, she is still amazed by the perfect pit in Nate's body. 

Nate " That one look of yours is enough for me to lose my control" with that said he approached Luna. 

Luna " Don't get me wrong even I can't control my eyes from seeing the hot man in front of me " 

Nate " Then why not give yourself to me today" 

Nate thought Luna would back off or deny but to his surprise, she took the first step by kissing him. Nate kissed her back after a few minutes they separated while gasping for some air. 

Nate " Luna I want to ask you this for a long now we werewolves would do the mating process as soon as we meet our mate but because you are a human I gave you some time to adjust and the major thing is that even though you are a human if we mated you can hear what I'm trying to say in my wolf form " 

Nate continued talking but Luna stopped him from further by closing his mouth with her lips, Nate smiled and kissed back again. 

Luna " Now take me my Alpha I'm all yours" 

Nate was completely shocked to hear this and looked at her with the same expression. 

Luna " Don't waste the time Nate we have to do this before the sun rises and I'm saying this with my whole heart so don't you dare to think you are forcing me" 

Without any words Nate started to kiss Luna on her neck while searching for her sweet spot once he found out he kissed the spot again and again while creating a dark hickey there Luna started to moan from the pleasure. Soon Nate injected his fangs in the spot Luna whined in pain after kissing the spot a few more times, Nate looked at Luna with full love in his eyes so as Luna. After a while, they started to make love completely for the first time and the night was long with their sweet pleasurable moments.