"Yah, Mommy. Look, eh! Elsa looks like Annabelle, isn't she?"

I laughed when my daughter pointed to Elsa's life-size doll with as thick blush on the cheek as Annabelle's.

"Eh, She is. Do you want to buy it, baby?" I teased her with a wink.

She then stared at me. "Of course not, Mommy! I don't want to have nightmares every night, you know," she said with a sigh.

I laughed, and the saleslady heard what my daughter said. We just went out of the toy store because what she said about the toys there was just insulting.

I don't even know if we went to the mall to buy her a new toy or just to insult.

"Today, I'm so happy, Mommy!" my daughter said, jumping up and down as we walked. I walked faster because we held hands.

"Oh! And why is my baby happy?"

She stopped walking and raised both hands. I laughed and lifted her up. "It's Because you're always busy with your work. I missed being with you, Mommy. I miss you so much," she said and hugged me tightly around the neck.

Awww, my heart. My soul.

"I'm sorry, baby. Mommy is really busy because I do a lot at work. Don't be mad at your Mommy. But you know that Mommy loves you so much, right?"

She smiled broadly, which melted my heart. "Yes, Mommy! I love you too, much. Billion, Billion and gazillion times!"

I laughed and smothered her with a kiss that made her laugh. Awww, I loved hearing those giggles! I really loved my daughter. She was my everything—My life.

She's like heaven to me. Even though I had a hard time when I was then pregnant with her, I really loved her dearly. I remember that she almost fell because of the stress and fatigue I experienced. They said that her grip was weak when she was still in my womb. So, I stopped working to focus on taking care of her.

But fortunately, mom and dad were there to help me take care of my child after she was born. And now, for four years, she has been recovering from my misery.

I named her Yara Winston.

My Yara Winston.

We ate at her favorite fast-food restaurant because she loves fries and spaghetti there. It's nice because I didn't have to feed her anymore, and she ate alone.

"Mommy, can we watch Aladdin now, please?" Yara said, which made her even cuter.

Thrilling! Delicious pinch on the cheek!

I first wiped her mouth full of spaghetti sauce before pinching her cheek. She propelled and pouted when I stopped her cheek.

Dear God, thank You for giving me my daughter in my life.

"Umm. Okay, baby. But you have to finish your food first, is that okay with you?"

She nodded.

Yara quickly finished the meal Because she was excited to watch Aladdin. So in a few moments, we went to the movie theater. I bought tickets and sat her first in the chairs in front of the popcorn stall before I bought popcorn.

"Three cheese and two water, please," I said to the cashier. A few moments later, my order was given again.

I went back to Yara, but I was so nervous when I saw she was no longer there.

"Yara!" I called her, but I couldn't see her. I turned to a woman there. "Miss, have you seen my daughter here? She's wearing a dark-pink dress, and her hair is pretty light brown."

The woman just shook her head.

My God!

I don't know how to find my daughter in this mall size! What have I been thinking? She may have been kidnapped by syndicates and included among street beggars.

Oh, no, God! No, no please. Not my Yara Winston.


I immediately turned around when I heard my daughter's voice. I saw her near the TV where the movie trailers were playing. There was a man kneeling in front of her, but I couldn't see who it was because he was turning his back on me.

I ran closer to Yara and quickly knelt down to hug her. I noticed the man stood up when I got closer.

"Oh, God, Yara! I told you not to leave there! God! You worried me!" I said, still in tears.

"I'm sorry, Mommy. I was just watching Aladdin's trailer! I love their song Kasi." she even sang 'A Whole New World', so I just laughed.

"Is she your daughter?"

I lost my smile when I heard that cold voice. Even without looking back, I knew very well who was the owner of the voice. I was nervous and could not move immediately.

"Juli ..."

I could do nothing but stand up and face him.

The first thing that I noticed was his electric blue eyes, which seemed so ruthless and cold.

"Robert ..."

From my face, he dropped his gaze to Yara, so I hid my daughter behind me.

"Is she your daughter?" he asked again.

I was even more nervous.

I took a deep breath first to control my trembling body. "Yes," I replied. I'm thankful I didn't stutter.

"Who is he, Mommy?" Yara asked.

Robert was just staring into my eyes, so I couldn't help but shiver. Still, nothing changed in his gaze. Seriously and very cold.

"He's my ..." I swallowed to clear my throat. "He's my boss," I replied, still not taking my eyes off Robert.

He looked down again when Yara peeked from behind me, so I hid my daughter even more. I almost fainted at his next question.

"Is she my daughter?"

"No," I answered quickly. I know my answer was not normal.

Robert looked at me coldly. My lips were almost trembling.

"Is that so?"

"Yes," I boldly answer. "You're not the only man in my life, Robert. So, stop assuming."

I picked up Yara and quickly turned my back on Robert.

Oh, God! Why now? Shit, I'm not ready yet. No. No. I hope he didn't notice.

"Mommy, he's your boss? At your office?"

I nodded.

"Really? We have the same eyes, Mommy."

I was stunned by what Yara said. If my daughter noticed that thing, Robert would definitely notice that too.

He's not stupid, Juli. And you know that.

I turned around — which I wish I hadn't done because I saw Robert was still there, eyes looking at us seriously. I turned around and quickly walked away.

Oh, God. What should I do now? Should I run away again from him? He would definitely make a way to find out who Yara's father was.

And you know what? He was right. Completely.

Yara Winston was Robert Steele's Billionaire's daughter. And I was hiding Yara from her Billionaire Daddy.