A hand finally reaching out

What's this blackness? It's nothing visible in here.

Is this someplace dark? Where is the light then?

No matter how hard I try to look at the way ahead, no matter how hard I try to get my eyes bigger, it seems to be failing. 

Nothing catches my eyes, not even a tiny speck of light. 

Or wait, maybe it's not because of the light.

My eyes feel heavy, and… I can't actually make them open. 

But why? I am trying so hard to open them, but why I can't do that?

Is that… someone talking? Where? Are they close to me? Are they far? The voice… it sounds so clear yet so low. And, there is something else, something about this voice. The voice is familiar to me. 

Is that someone I know? Someone who knows me? 

If I call out to them, will they listen to me? 

The darkness, it's getting weird.

And… scary. It reminds me of my life, my childhood.