Chocolate to make the mood happy

"Him? Simple?" Chloe looked over at Irvyn, who right now got engrossed in some kind of conversation with Josh, completely focusing there. "Sure. If that's how he is for you."

There was a subtle arrogance in her voice, which Yvette could catch on to, for some reason. She honestly didn't want to think such negatively about someone who just got to be introduced to her for the first time. But witnessing such a mysterious, kind of defensive but oddly friendly behavior wasn't sitting well with her, even more, after learning about how she is the one who is clearly the indirect cause of the agony of her friend.

10 minutes ago. 

Yvette followed back into the kitchen, upon noticing Summer rushing straight into here. Even Aunt Suzy was taken aback, when they barged in there without any alert. "Sam, why did you leave there so suddenly?"