Soul Ritual

"My future self?" repeated Rihan, confused.

Rihan froze for a moment when he heard those words. Then he shook off whatever came over him. "That's not possible! This is just a dream!"

"This isn't a dream," the older version of himself insisted.

"It's reality. We both exist now because I have returned to your timeline after being killed by an enemy."

"Enemy? Who?"

"It doesn't matter. You will naturally come to know everything after a little bit more time. For now, all you need to concern yourself with is our future. Because you're not really you anymore." The future Rihan explained.

Rihan was confused by all the new information that was pouring through his head, but one thing was certain - he needed answers. He didn't want to be killed by an enemy.

"What should I do?"

"We must merge our soul, the future, and the past."

"What does that mean?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

"But what about my present self? My current existence?"

"I cannot explain it clearly, because I was supposed to return to the time we were born, not to your time. How weird that I ended up here."

"Are you saying this happened by chance?" Rihan sighed heavily. If this was going to happen anyway, then why did he feel so uneasy?

It felt wrong somehow.

"I don't understand anything right now," he confessed.

"Don't worry. All things will make sense once you wake up."

"Wake up? But I'm already awake. Am I not?"

"Not entirely."


The future Rihan begin chanting and slowly the scene around them began to change. They're now back in Miss Shurong's office. Rihan was surprised to see Miss Shurong, Sung Li, and his own body still sitting next to each other.

"Your consciousness has left your body, which is still lying unconscious inside the room." the future Rihan began explaining.

"How could something like that—"

"This is called 'soul travel.'"

"Soul travel? So, wait, if I leave my body behind while soul travelling, won't someone notice that I'm gone?"

"You wouldn't last long outside of your body without some sort of support system or magic device."

"So, what happens to my body?"

"It stays asleep until you decide to go return to your body again."

"Wait, isn't it dangerous to leave your body behind?"

"Yes, it is. But it is strange. Why would your consciousness drift apart from your body?"

Rihan looked at the room again and saw Miss Shurong relentlessly lecturing him and Sung Li.

She hadn't noticed their peculiar situation yet, nor had she noticed the fact that the two students in front of her have passed out cold.

He turned toward the future Rihan, whose gaze was fixed straight ahead.

"I think I might know why," the future Rihan muttered.

His brow twitched, surely that was just his imagination?

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Miss Shurong's lecture was so lethal." Rihan whistled while explaining. He's been exhausted lately and couldn't find the reason why.

That was why he wasn't paying much attention to the first day of school and thus ended up in such a predicament.

"Well, it sure worked well for us." the future Rihan said.

"I guess that's true," Rihan replied.

The future Rihan stood still while pondering something. It seems like this matter requires further thought. After a few minutes of silence, the future Rihan spoke.

"Yes. But, I think it's also better this way. At least, I would be rest assured knowing that the soul merging process would be successful albeit our memory might be incomplete."

Rihan nodded silently. There was no doubt in his mind that they had to do it. Though he still has some doubts about whether it'll be successful or not.

"So, what happens if we fail?"

"We will cease to exist entirely."

"What!? That sounds pretty bad." Rihan frowned.

"Yeah. I hope you haven't forgotten the future you're walking into. The memories that you've lived through my memories aren't mine alone. Those memories belong to you who shares the same fate as I did."

Rihan shuddered at the reminder. Even though it only took place in a dream, he remembered vividly every detail of his second death.

"That is indeed the case. But you shouldn't be too concerned. You wouldn't feel any pain. As long as you succeed, everything will turn out fine."

Rihan wasn't convinced. Even though he knew the truth deep down, he found himself worrying nonetheless.

"Right. There's no turning back." Rihan exclaimed.

"No, but now we have a chance. All we have to do is concentrate on merging our souls. Once we have done so, we can reclaim your original body. We can become a perfect version of ourselves and will have all the power and strength that we need to defeat the Ancient Emperor." the future Rihan answered confidently.

"Do you really believe that?" Rihan ask.

"Of course. Otherwise, why else would I bother going back to the past?" he explained, "Although, it's all by chance that I even managed to return."

Rihan contemplates this for a moment before nodding his head. "Let's try it then."

"Good. We will begin the process." the future Rihan is overjoyed with Rihan's answers, "But how did your soul ends up floating here?"

"I have no idea. Perhaps it is destiny?" Rihan replied.

"That sounds plausible." the future Rihan agreed and started chanting. A bright light surrounded his soul as he opened his eyes wide and concentrated.

"Now, focus on your own soul," the future Rihan told him, "and reach for mine."

Rihan closed his eyes and focused on his own soul. Then, he reached out toward the other soul. He focused hard and tried to recall every detail of his past, present, and future life.

The details came flooding into his head, filling his entire being with memories. Every single experience he ever had flashed through his mind, accompanied by emotions that ran through his veins.

Rihan and the future Rihan began to float closer and closer to each other, beginning to fuse. Their two souls were becoming one.


Instructor Office, Miss Shurong's room

In the office room, Miss Shurong's lecture continues without pause. Her voice is soft and quiet but her words are clear as a bell.

She speaks of cultivation techniques that can be used to improve one's martial skills, with emphasis on how they work in conjunction with each other.

As she goes through them step by step, she noticed Rihan and Sung Li staring at her intently.

Their eyes were out of focus, their mouths half-open. In fact, this wasn't the first time Miss Shurong had seen such looks from her students. They always seem lost when listening to lectures or reading books.

But today was different. Today, something else about Rihan's gaze caught her attention—something like awe? Or maybe admiration? And it felt strange for her because she has never seen such an unfocused gaze … until now.

Miss Shurong glances back at him again before turning away to face Rihan and continuing her teaching.

A moment later, she notices he isn't looking at her anymore. He seems to have returned to his normal self.

His mouth closed and his eyes focused for a split second. It took only a few seconds, but during those moments, nothing escaped Miss Shurong's notice.

That brief glimpse made her realize that what she saw earlier might not just be due to his lack of interest.

She approaches the two boys slowly, stopping right behind them. "Are you all right?" she asks.

Sung Li twitches slightly but shows no sign of having heard her. Meanwhile, Rihan's eyes stay closed, so she turns around and sits down next to him. She puts a hand on top of his head.

"Rihan," she says gently. When he doesn't react, she taps him lightly on the forehead. "Rihan." This time, she gives him a little push. Still, nothing happens. With another tap on his head, she tries harder.


In Rihan's spiritual world, he was able to observe everything that happened around him.

He watched as the future Rihan and his own spirit drifted together until the two became one.

The future version of himself had a strong presence in Rihan's body, but his consciousness was still separate from it.

"This is the most difficult part," the future Rihan whispered, "I have to forcefully push myself inside your body."

"But I don't want to lose control."

"Don't worry. Just relax and let me take care of everything. I promise that everything will work out in the end."

Rihan felt his consciousness being pushed away.

"Hey, wait!" His vision blurred, and the sound of rushing water filled his ears.

Their two consciousnesses merged into one, and the two became one.

Their two souls were beating in unison. The light inside of them was one, and the dark, one. They were one being, and they were one spirit. One existence.

The world faded away as the two beings continued to merge until only one remained. The future Rihan and the past Rihan.

One being.

One soul.

One life.

One person.
