
:: Adult Chapter

Read on only if you are comfortable::

Chloe woke to the sensation of soft fingers fondling her thighs. After the intense pleasure of coupling with Tank, she was lost in a dreamland of hers, thinking, remembering every bit of their shameless action earlier.

He was in so much control over her, and she allowed him to take the lead. She enjoyed his hot lips kissing her so aggressively that she could only submit to him while his strong body pinned her smaller frame, the feeling of his abs still fresh on her mind.

Then, with her immobilised by the power of his hands restraining her, he thrust inside her. As he was her first, she knew nothing about what to expect from sex. Her first time had happened so quickly that she hadn't realized it until she felt the discomfort. He had mumbled some dirty words and cursed while he moved in and out of her mercilessly.

It hadn't stopped there. He flipped her over and had her from behind, with so much vigour that she thought she was going to erupt. He was inside her so deep, and the size of his manhood filled her up completely, but that wasn't all about it. An unusual feeling seemed to bind them, and she thought she could feel his spiritual energy combine with hers.

But she just brushed aside that feeling, thinking it was just her own invalid speculation. At that point, she only wanted to see his face closely and immerse herself in his charm, but he didn't let her have that.

She reckoned he enjoyed doing it from behind, although she didn't know about his past experience. Her inexperience in sex already left her at a disadvantage. She was clueless if her role in sex was just passive. Shouldn't she equally participate in it?

That was when his response answered her doubts.

"Moan," he ordered.

When she didn't do as he ordered, he stopped moving and pinched her hills harder. She felt her fluid trickling between her legs, and her mind only focused on one thing: that she just wanted him to continue what he was doing. She obeyed, moaning softly but ensuring he could hear her, and hearing her own voice made her blush intensely. That was when he unleashed his wild nature on her.

"Tank, slow down! It hurts," she pleaded, feeling how fast he pounded inside her. She couldn't cope with what was happening to her, and the spot between both her legs were starting to feel sore. But he wasn't listening, apparently taking her in a rage. Fortunately for her, minutes after, they both collapsed together in her bed, not long after she felt him release his massive load inside her.

"That felt so good, Chloe," he rolled his eyes at her and pulled out of her without wasting any time. She eyed the stickiness oozing out between her legs, curious to how it tasted like, but felt shy about it.

Moments later, she realised how much of a challenge it had been to scrub himself clean of his residue. If this was how it was like to just have sex, she wondered how it would be, further down the road. The pain was excruciating, but the feeling of him inside her was wondrous. She pondered over the fact that keeping him here to be her pet would warrant more of such episodes. Yet, this lusty side of her made her feel cheap.

Ignoring the pain, she dried herself with a towel and returned to bed.

"Done cleaning up?" He smiled deviously at her and curled his arm around her, surprising her with this passionate side of him. When they were in close enough proximity, however, she was appalled by what felt like wild surges of energy that united them.

She must be overthinking things. How did that even make sense?

"Rest well, Chloe," he whispered, humming a lullaby that soothed her and along with the aching pain in her lower abdomen, back and shoulders, he coaxed her to sleep.

But now, she could distinctly feel hands running along her thighs, tracing her well-defined curves and stopping right at her breasts. She was still in a daze after the intercourse, and a power nap didn't help in that department. She needed more rest to recharge herself, after such an intense moment that sapped almost all her energy from her.

"Tank, let me rest," she muttered, turning to her side to return to sleep. But it became apparent that whoever was touching her didn't plan to stop. She sniffled, absorbing the strange smell of cologne while trying to break out of her daze. Weirdly, that scent didn't remind her of Tank at all. It felt so foreign. But yet still, how could a stranger be in her room?

"Chloe Patterson, I can't believe you could be so… cheap."

She recognised the owner of the voice immediately, jolting up into a sitting position in her bed. Hurriedly she pulled the blanket over her exposed body and knotted it tightly around her bosom. There was no way she was going to allow that jerk to have what he wanted, even if he was her fiance-to-be! If she had to, she would fight until the last with him!

Tomas Wilkins' devilish eyes scanned her pretty face as if seeking loopholes for where she might allow him in. She averted his gaze, waving her bare arms in front of her frantically. His blond hair and blue eyes, long legs and ripped abs, as good as they seemed, failed to even get her attention. Maybe because he had an uglier personality that trumped his attractive features, he was nothing in her eyes.

For a man like Tomas, she had only two words to say to him: get out.

"Leave my room this instant!" She bellowed. There was no room for questions. She just wanted him out right now. It didn't matter who allowed him into the mansion or how he bypassed her room's high security to gain entry.

Right now, he was such a turn-off to Chloe, that the thought of him touching her was the worst dishonour to her.

"Don't you want a taste of me too, you whore?" He gazed at her with a smug look on his face. "Don't think I don't know what you're up to, Chloe Patterson."

"Get out!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. When he still didn't move, she reached for the pillows on her bed and bombarded them at him one by one, but he only laughed, evading them easily.

She had to give him something more of his taste, she told herself. Just then, a fresh idea entered her mind, and she laughed silently, her eyes looming with satisfaction. She never missed a target, and this time, even if he tried his best, he wouldn't miss it.

'Damn you, Tomas. Don't blame me for not giving you a second chance. I gave you two!' She thought intensely.

"Why the hostility, Chloe? Need I remind you what's going to happen between us in two weeks? When that time comes-"

Just before he could continue his sentence, a hard object was cast at him, striking him perfectly across the face. The glass of the object shattered as it hit the young master's face, splintering into many fragments. The sharp edges of the glass granted him no mercy, imbedded in his face so deeply that they were sure to leave a mark. Even cosmetic surgery would take him a while to recover.

For this 'assault' on his beloved grandson, she knew Zack would probably flog her a few times, but it was worth the pain. After all, her marks recovered within days. But for her to submit to a low-class scumbag like Tomas was not something she could bring herself to do. She stood up from the bed casually with her blanket still knotted firmly around her and took a few steps.

She calmly moved towards her wardrobe and selected a light summer dress among her favourites. Ignoring the idiot writhing on the ground, she pulled the dress over her bare shoulders and fastened the knots at the sides, coolly ridding herself of the hefty blanket and tossing it aside.

It was like any other day of the week, but it felt even more satisfying that she had quashed Tomas' attempts, and moreover, she had an excuse to delay the wedding further!

Without further thought, she meandered out of the room in glee and lifted the trapdoor of her room that led to the interconnected chamber where Tank slept. Forgetting about the annoying jackass earlier, she determined that the first thing she wanted to do was to jump into Tank Zil's arms and give him a piece of her mind about how he had left her all alone after having intercourse with her, but she hadn't expected to witness what she saw with her own eyes.

Normally, the two rooms would be separated by a special password, but she figured that Tank had guessed the password by now. Still, he hadn't known the other passwords in the mansion, so he wouldn't be able to escape her clutches. So, as she thought.

When the door swung open, she was greeted by an empty room. He was gone.

Punishment was also around the corner.