Young Miss!?

"Let's enter the bathtub from here." Amayah said as she solemnly supported him and led him into the bathtub.

Nevertheless, she blushed uncontrollably.

"I'll leave and close the door behind me." Amayah said once she straightened up.

Thinking that she wanted to leave in a hurry because she was tired of serving him just like others, a tinge of coldness flashed across Nolan's gray eyes. "Get out."

Amayah was puzzled. Why did this man's mood flicker as quickly as lightning? He was just fine a second ago and now… The surrounding air became colder. Realizing that he was angry, she turned around timidly and left the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Leaving the bathroom Amayah was ill at ease. She constantly stared at the bathroom, intentionally or otherwise.

'The bathroom is so slippery? What would I do if he accidentally falls and gets fatally injured?'

Just as she was becoming restless, there came a knock on the door. She instinctively went to the door and turned the knob. At the door, a maid was standing there with a tray of freshly made breakfast in her hands. She informed Amayah that the breakfast was served in the dining room and invited her to eat. Before leaving, she handed the tray of breakfast into Amayah's hands and left without saying another word.

Amayah just stood there blinking her innocent brown eyes in confusion. If she was going to eat in the dining room, then what was she supposed to do with this food then?

Just as she placed the food tray on the nearby coffee table and turned, the bathroom door opened, and amidst the fog, out came the man she'd been worried about. He was dressed in a fresh set of clothes, looking as handsome as ever. His gray eyes were looking directly in her direction.

Snapping out of her daze, she went forward to him and told him, "A servant just came to inform that the breakfast is ready at the table. Should I help you there?"

Hearing the question, he just gave a smile filled with self-mockery. "It doesn't seem that they invited ME to the table."

Hearing that, Amayah was confused about what it meant at first, but then she smelled the food and realized that the food was for him to have in the room by himself, and she was the only one who was supposed to go to the dining table for breakfast.

She felt bad for the man. Did he not even get out of this room for his meals? How could he just be trapped in this room all the time?

When she arrived downstairs at the dining table, she at first glance saw Assistant Jin standing there waiting for her. He was not surprised not to see Young Master Nolan. It had been so long since he stepped out of that room.

As she got closer, he nodded as a form of greeting and even pulled out a chair for her. Seeing that, she immediately stopped him, saying, "Please don't take the trouble, I can do it myself."

Hearing that, Assistant Jin admired Amayah even more. He could understand why his old master favored this young lady for their young master. She held everyone in high regard, regardless of their position.

"Old master had to leave late last night to attend to something important, so he told me to send you his regards." Assistant Jin informed her.

Thanking, Amayah took a seat at the dining table. The maids uncovered the variety of luxurious dishes on the table. The breakfast was enough for at least ten people. There were different kinds of dishes on the table, ranging from cereal and milk to cinnamon brioche French toast skewers and everything in between.

Amayah was stunned to see that. She looked around the table and realized that she was all alone, meaning that all of these were just for her.

Just as a servant was about to serve her some of the breakfast, she hurriedly stopped him. "I am sorry, but I'll only drink milk for breakfast."

Hearing that, Assistant Jin glanced at the servants coldly. All the servants and the head chef, who was also present, were on tenterhooks. When they arrived at work this morning, Assistant Jin personally informed them that they had to prepare the best breakfast to welcome the new young miss and that it was Old Master Emerson's special order that they must not displease her, and all the servants were aware of the consequences of failing to meet the old master's orders.

Seeing Assistant Jin's unpleasant look, the head chef bowed and took the lead to ask Amayah, "I am the head chef, Young miss. Is breakfast not to your liking? If so, please let us know what you'd like for breakfast and we'll prepare it for you soon."

Amayah almost choked on her saliva hearing the title he addressed her with. "I'm sorry but what did you address me as?" This was the first time anyone addressed her as 'young miss' in her hearing, after her marriage with Nolan.

"After your marriage with our young master, it is only right to address you as our young miss." Assistant Jin replied from the side.

She was not used to hearing anyone call her by using any form of address. With a slight awkward smile on her face, she mingled her eyes around the dining table again, thinking that everything was so new to her that it would take some time for her to adjust.

Amayah noticed the nervous looks on the servants' faces and realized that her previous denial for breakfast might have caused the panic. "I'm so sorry if my previous words caused any misunderstanding. There's nothing wrong with breakfast. It's just that I usually only drink milk for breakfast."

All the servants heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing that there was nothing wrong with the breakfast. It meant that their jobs were safe.

"But I would like to ask something if you don't mind," Amayah said, looking towards the head chef.

The head chef nodded instantly. "Sure, young miss, how can I be of help?"

"Is all this breakfast prepared just for me?"

"Yes, young miss. All these dishes are especially prepared on Old Master Emerson's orders to welcome you."

"I really appreciate Old Master Emerson's efforts and am very grateful for this lavish breakfast, but next time could you please be mindful and not prepare such a large quantity of food? It'll be extremely unpleasant to waste the food." Not wanting to be disrespectful to anyone, she proposed her request as a question.

The head chef understood her goodwill but looked at Assistant Jin for further instructions.

Seeing that, Amayah also looked at Assistant Jin with her big round expectant eyes.

Assistant Jin was pleased with her generosity. Most people nowadays only think about living a luxurious life and not about the practicality of it. Nodding in approval, he ordered, "From now on you all must do as the young miss says."