10. Stay or Done With It?

Aridnia didn't answer me immediately and remained silent, but I can see some hesitation in her eyes, so I keep going with my torture.

because I haven't got what I wanted, I continued by extracting their fingers nails and toes nails forcefully.

But Garock still persist and refused to reveal his plan with the other demon lords.

So I move on by cutting their fingers in thin slices and I let him heard his own subordinates scream as he watch how I cut their fingers very cleanly with my blood knife that also came with some curses.

After I finished doing it with the the Kirin girl, I peeked on him and I could see that he was still hesitating but he also want to stop this torture so he also pondering whether to reveal his friends information or not.

I also peeked on Aridnia and can see that her hesitation was almost gone.

Seeing their hesitation, I continued with cutting the elder dwarf dick in the same way I did to his fingers before.

He cried out in pain to the point instead of tears coming out from his eyes, it was blood.

Since it's not fun to do the same thing all the time, I changed my ways when I deal with the goatman.

I cut his stomach open and took his innards out and then I brought him closer to Garock and tied his innards to Garock body.

Seeing this almost made Garock mad, I can already see tears starting to fell out from his eyes, but I didn't care.

I will continue until I got what I wanted.

But before I continued with the lizardman, I got a notification from the system.

[Congratulation, you have completed a hidden side quest for this inheritance trial]

[Hidden Side Quest]

Task : Submit or Die! (Repeatable - Maximum 3 times)

Objective : Made one of the enemy named monster to submit to you and kept them alive to the end.

Reward : The named monster card.

Note : The card can be brought out to the real world and can be used to summon the named monster as your own subordinate. Their will still remember what happen inside the trial and their past life, but they will be loyal to you.

Note : If the host has made more than 3 named monster submit, the host will be given a chance to pick out which monster to be taken to the outside world.

'System, Does that mean I can make them all as my monster if I make them submit to me?'

[Answer, yes, but only in this inheritance trial as every trial has their own criteria for a demon lord to recruit them.]

'What does that mean?'

[It means that the quest itself didn't came from the system, rather it was from the trial itself and if the host]

[The system then count it as a hidden side quest as the information that a demon lord can recruit named monsters in inheritance trial was kept a secret by the demon god himself]

[If the system didn't give you this information, the host will only find the named monster card later in the host inventory without knowing what exactly happen for the host to obtain that card]

'Okay, I got it now. Thanks for the information.'

After talking with the system inside my head, I look towards them once again and resume my torture.

After all the system told me that I can make them mine, so I didn't stop with the torture and instead continue doing it with more vigor.

In the end I succeeded in making all of them submit to me.

For the Lizardman, he submit when I removed his scale one by one while burning his opened flesh in the same time.

For the Kirin, she submit to me when I fucked her pussy with a steel rod powered with electricity while I almost did the same to her backdoor with a burning rod but was stopped before I got to do it.

But that didn't stop right there.

Aridnia agreed to become my bitch after seeing how I tortured the kirin girl with the electricity rod.

She agreed immediately when she saw me took out a burning rod and about to insert it to the Kirin other hole.

I then chained her hands and legs with the sealing chains and removed the chains that hugged around her body.

With her body got freed, she then removed all of her clothes without hesitation as I threatened her to stop the deal if she hesitate even a little.

Even though she can move freely again, her power were still sealed because of the chains on her wrist and legs.

I took a chair and put it in front of Garock, stripped myself, and then sit on that chair while Aridnia came on top off me and shove my rod inside her.

When I started to fuck Aridnia, Garock immediately broke down and answered all the question I have for him.

I guess that he hold Aridnia dearly as his first named monster and seeing her willing to go that far for him broke him down.

But even after Garock gave out all of the information I want, I didn't stop fucking Aridnia, or should I say Aridnia didn't stop moving at all.

I already whispered to Aridnia to not stop later even after her lord gave out the information or I told her to stop as it would only be an act of mine.

So even though I told her to stop, Aridnia still move her waist up and down gobbling my thick long rod inside her secret cave while she screamed how good it was.

Garock eyes were devoid of life when he look at his dear Aridnia to keep having sex with me by her own volition.

She kept her act like that for a long time as I told her to not stop before I cum inside her.

She kept doing it desperately trying to make me cum but I didn't make it any easier for her as I hold my urge to cum strongly.

When she realize that I didn't have any intention to cum at all she stopped her waist from moving while my rod still there inside her and started to cry, but before she could continue I whispered to her once again.

I told her to beg for me to cum inside her and to impregnate her with my child.

I told her to say that from now on she will only be mine and will leave Garock side and if she wouldn't do as I say, I will kill her lord immediately but if she do as I say then I will keep her lord alive.

After all the demon lord and his created monsters can still stay alive even when their dungeon got destroyed.

It just that demon lord will lose most of their ability such as to create monsters, building dungeons, create S-cards, and others.

In the end she agreed immediately and say those words loudly so that her fellow guardians and her lord can hear her words clearly.

After she said those words, I immediately came inside her broke her down.

After that I kept the guardians chained and let them rest their body as I don't want them to die yet, especially the Kirin which I only got to know that she was called Fina.

Since Fina was an S-rank monster, I would want to brought her back with me to the real world.

I also planned to search for another S-rank monster to fill up the quota up to three as I already have 2 monsters submitted to me now.

I know that even if I leave them like that, they will stay alive for at least weeks, after all they are named monsters and also a high rank one so their life force is bigger than the low ranked one.

As for Garock, I left him alone as I promised to Aridnia and took Aridnia away with me back to my tent.

That night, I spent all my time screwing Aridnia.

She tried to refuse my advance as we were alone there but remembering her friends and lord that still alive, she relented and let me do whatever I want with her body.

But this time, I didn't plan to have a normal sex with her.

As I screw her, I imbue my rod with a little bit of electricity that didn't harm in anyway but instead can heighten her sensivity.

After screwing her like that for 20 minutes, she lost herself in pleasure and started to move her body according to my movements.

We did that for more than 5 hours and then went to sleep.

Of course I still put my alert on all the time, but with those chains still intact on her wrist and legs, she can't use any of her power at all.


The next day, I came inside the commanding tent together with Aridnia.

Rowen and Restiya were shocked when they found that Aridnia is following my order.

I made Aridnia spill out everything about the dungeon traps location, the defense troops, and many other information about her dungeon.

Not long after that, I note which part to avoid and where to go inside the dungeon and lead my troops to invade Garock dungeon.

It didn't take long for me to conquer the dungeon.

The guardians that were left to defend the dungeon also surrendered immediately when they saw Aridnia at my side and got the news that their leader has already caught.

Unfortunately, there was no other S-ranked monsters from those guardians.

I also didn't destroy the dungeon heart as I don't want to alert the other enemy demon lord that one of them has already defeated.

I asked for Rowan and Restiya to delivered the message that I have defeated the demon lord Garock to the [Blood] demon lord, Valakh.

I also gave them the notes that contain all the information about the the other enemy demon lords that I get from Garock.

They were very shocked of how efficient and fast I work and that made their affinity to me increased to the max.

After that I let one of my A-rank subordinate, along with several low ranked monsters to guard the dungeon heart while I go back to the camp.

Two hours later, Rowan came back alone bringing the news that Valakh has called for me.

I followed Rowan back to the dungeon, but of course bringing along Aridnia and Fina with me.

When Rowan asked me about them, I answered him that they had already become my woman now, and he immediately accepted my answer.

It took only a few minutes to reach Valakh dungeon.

We went to the deepest level of the dungeon and there I met with the [Blood] demon lord, Valakh, alongside with all of his guardians.

I bow down immediately in front of him, giving my salute.

I already left Aridnia and Fina just outside and told them to stay quiet there.

As they have submitted to me, they will follow my order as well so I don't need to worry about them defecting or ran away.

"Blood Duke, I have heard your victory against the [Rock] demon lord, Garock. I can't believe that you defeated him in only two days time without losing even 10% of your troops. You have completed my task above my expectation."(Valakh)

[Main Quest 1 - Completed]

[As you have completed the quest with a full score, you can choose 2 of the following rewards]

Reward choice :

1. C-rank Blood Viscount Summon Pool (Required 100% quest completed)

2. One of Valakh named monster (Required 100 Affinity and 100% quest completed)

3. 1 D-rank Blood Baron Summon Pool and 1 F-rank Ghoul summon pool ( Required 70% quest completed)

4. 1 [Blood] S-rank S-cards, 2 Random S-rank S-cards, and 5 random A-rank S-cards. (Required 50% quest completed)

' I choose the first and the second reward.'

[You can select to finish the inheritance trial now or you can decided to continue to Main Quest 2]

[If you choose to complete the trial now, the host can only pick Rowan or Restiya for the second reward as they are the only guardians with 100 affinity with the host]

[If the host choose to continue, the second reward will be postponed to be chosen later while the first reward will be immediately sent to the host inventory]

[The host will also continue to the second part of the quest and there will be another great rewards if the host can complete it.]

[Do you want to complete the trial or continue?]