Chapter 6: Persuading Charlton II

"So, gentlemen, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Charlton began in a jesting manner when the three of them were finally seated.

This opening sentence caused Hugo to flush. "Hey, I don't know about Christopher, but I was only reinstated in late September last year. My condolences Charlton. By the way, I missed you and in fact, I have been wanting to visit you for quite some time but only had the opportunity now." Hugo said in one breath.

Christopher turned to look at Hugo in disbelief. Was he trying to dig a pit for him?

Charlton smiled as he shook his head. "I didn't mean that, sorry. But thank you, Hugo. By the way, did I give that impression?"

"No… I guess the heat in Norfolk did not only damage Hugo's faculties but also made him forget all about proper etiquette." Christopher sarcastically said, before adding "But on a serious note, for being only here today, I also apologize Charlton. I have no excuse."

"No need for apologies, Christopher. I understand the circumstance that time, the letter and the flowers you sent were more than enough. Besides, I have also been very busy these days." Charlton replied. Then, changing the topic, he said, "Now, let's move on from that. So, any other particular reason for this visit?"

Hugo felt a little embarrassed but thought that at least he got that sensitive topic cleared up and out of the way.

Anyhow, Hugo was always very quick to recover. So, more candid because of his now clear conscience, he jokingly replied with, "Nothing much really. In my case, I just wanted to drop by to check if the rumors about the once upon a time golden boy turning into a golden buddha by now was true. Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm not kidding. Some people have been speculating why you're not appearing in society yet when the king already sent envoys to invite you thrice!"

"Are you serious?" Charlton asked a bit dumbstruck. Hugo's way of explaining things… well, at least it proves that he truly considers him as a friend.

"Yes! If not, why else did I allow Christopher to tag along? My travel would have been more pleasant without his insufferable company. Right Christopher?" Hugo directed the question to Christopher wanting to get back at him for all his insults earlier.

Christopher wanted to facepalm. Knowing how Hugo's pea-sized brain worked, he already knew where this was going. However, though annoying, there was some truth to Hugo's jab. Thus, he could only grunt in response.

Charlton was a smart guy, but when it comes to Hugo, he sometimes could not connect the dots. Anyhow, he just smiled and decided to humor him. "So, now that you've seen me, what do you think?"

Hugo looked at Charlton up and down then he narrowed his eyes as if to examine more minutely. Then, he grinned. "I believe that if you ever decide to join us in the upcoming Charlotte's ball, you'll be able to snag a date just fine. Christopher, sorry to say, but there's no need to volunteer your sister. But well, if she still doesn't have a date yet… hmm… though she has you for a brother, I'll consider it."

Christopher knew that was coming. "Don't flatter yourself. Even if you were the last man on the planet, I would rather my sister be a nun."

Charlton coughed to cover up his discomfort. It was no secret that the reason why Christopher approached him when he was in Norfolk was to play matchmaker between him and his sister, Annalys. It was not surprising because Duke Argent Cross, Christopher's father, already did that in the past.

When Christopher came with the offer, a year has already passed since he was sent to exile. He did consider it that's why it took some time that even Hugo learned about it. Annalys was very pretty, a little spoiled though that's to be expected given her station, but more importantly, she was the lady-in-waiting of crown princess Serena, his ex-lover.

He won't lie. At that time, a huge chunk of the reason why he considered it was because a part of him was dying to know how Serena would react if he were to marry her lady-in-waiting. Would she be jealous? Would she feel the way he felt when she married Geoffrey? What would she say? Because since he left, it's like she forgot all about him.

Although he knew that he was not completely faultless when it came to how their relationship ended, witnessing through the news and sometimes hearing through gossips how Serena's loving relationship with Geoffrey was, he could not help but feel a twinge of… well, he can't exactly say that it was hate that time because right now, he understood more clearly what hate was.

During that time, there were days when he would find himself questioning her in his mind. Did she have no ounce of regret? Did she not miss him at all? Was their relationship of so little value to her? Or was it just a sham all those times?

He somehow wanted to make her feel what he felt even in the slightest. However, he knew that doing so would be unfair to Annalys who was innocent. His conscience won't ever let him do that. Thus, in the end, he had to gently turn down the offer by giving the legitimate excuse of him still being in exile indefinitely.

He thought that that would be the end of their discussion regarding the possible union, however, a year after his father's death, he again received the same offer.

Again, he considered it. It was still a tempting offer because his feelings for Serena had already warped into a deep-rooted grudge where hate was not even enough to describe it.

When he discovered that Geoffrey was involved with what happened to his father, he would frequently ask himself, why? Why would Geoffrey do that? What were his motivations? But no matter how he thinks of it, it all boils down to Serena.
