Chapter 36: Collect then select III

Serena smiled wistfully at the mention of Emily's name. Though she disliked Emily in the past, she can't help but hold some admiration. That's not to say that she likes Emily now, but Emily was the female lead after all and rightfully so.

She once thought herself above Emily, but as everything unfolded, she could admit, at least to herself, that Emily was in fact, better.

Emily was only a daughter of an impoverished baron. She earned the puppy love of the crown prince, Geoffrey, initially, but he let her go like she was only a passing fancy. Then, though she was talented in music, her competition has been a transmigrated lady, herself, with a song list from the 20th and 21st century. However, despite all these setbacks, Emily has been ever resilient and even began to pave a way for herself.

Serena was not envious so to say, but she sometimes wished that she could have been like Emily. Emily was the real strong woman who achieved all her accomplishments through her own grit. She never complained, maybe she did but she just didn't know, but still, she kept moving forward with her head held high.

When Geoffrey broke up with Emily, she did not chase him like a girl in heat. Instead, she let him go but did not let her pride get in the way on accepting what he had to offer in exchange of her broken heart. That was, if her heart has even been truly broken in the first place, which Serena doubts.

Then, when they have been competing in the music industry, Emily never let her position nor anything else become an excuse in admitting defeat. Rather, she used it to her advantage. With innovation, she began writing her own songs that people would be able to relate to, made a name for herself, and later even earned the title baroness through her contributions in the industry. While she (Serena), who was originally in the lead, was only able to keep up because of her cheat.

So now, as Emily was seemingly enjoying the fruits of her labor. Serena can only feel a mixture of envy and pride. Envy because Emily was living her dream (many suitors, a lot of money, can do everything she wants), pride because she watched Emily as she grew and accomplished so much before her very eyes.

That's why their relationship has evolved to become what it was now. She did not necessarily like Emily as a person, but she wants to cheer her on, while at the same time she didn't want to lose against her. That sort of feeling. Maybe it can also be labeled as friendly competition with your frenemy.

So, when Annalys mentioned Emily's name and implied that she (Serena) was more beautiful than her, she felt some satisfaction even though it's very superficial, shallow, and that she shouldn't even be competing in that regard.

Serena shook her head. That's not where her conversation with Annalys should go.

"This is not about me, but you. As I was saying, you should get to know some of your suitors while waiting. Time passes by in a blink of an eye, and though there's nothing wrong with what you're doing, don't you think it's a waste to spend your youth that way? Besides, who's to say that Charlton's the one? What if true love was actually standing before you but you just never recognized it because you never gave him the chance?"

Annalys pursed her lips. Serena was uttering nonsense, but she had to play along. "You may have a point there… but not all of us can be lucky… please forgive me for being blunt but even your match, his royal highness, began with a royal decree."

Serena bit her lip, how to go about this? "Yes, you're right and that's a good example. To be honest, I did not like Geoffrey at first either. Remember the song I sang, 'for the first time'? As said there, I have been blind to him at first, but thankfully, I opened my eyes and started to see and appreciate him as a man. I gave us a chance and I never regretted it since. Annalys, the case could also be true for you. You have to open your eyes and give true love a chance."

"But… I don't know how. Also, won't Charlton think that I have been unfaithful? What would he think if I were to entertain other men? I want to make myself always available for him." Annalys honestly confided.

Serena wanted to do an eyeroll with the the way Annalys was thinking. "No, of course not. You're not going to do anything that is not of the norm, and we don't even know if Charlton would be present this Season. Also, it's not like you're marrying anyone just because you agreed to get to know them. You can continue to wait only this time, I ask you to live a little. Besides, making yourself always available is not always the best strategy."

Annalys sighed in defeat. "Alright… then if you truly think that way, then maybe I should give it a try this season. I just hope that I won't regret this later."

Serena grinned. "Great! Trust me, you won't. So, you should always tell me about it later when… wait. Since Geoffrey's not here, how about I be your chaperone occasionally?" she offered.

"You would do that for me?" Annalys asked, perplexed. The crown princess acting as chaperone was unheard of, but if that were to happen, then it would only show how much Serena favors her. Not that she needed it nor could she really deny her.

"Of course! You're like a sister to me Annalys. Plus, won't that be fantastic? I can help you assess your potential suitors!" Serena chirped. To be fair, though she was asking to be the chaperone to get her mother-in-law off her back while at the same time, root for her brother Leonard, she really was excited about the prospect.

Annalys smiled shyly before saying, "then, I will hold you on to that, Serena."

Serena nodded her head in satisfaction.
