Twins. Creatures of genetic curiosity and mystical clamours. In science, precisely biology, they are seen to be fascinating. An egg is fertilised by a sperm and then splits into two, giving rise to identical twins. Or, two eggs fertilised at the same time, giving rise to fraternal twins. Such a hazard is what renders life extraordinary. In the world of mystics, twins have a prestigious spot. Either double trouble, or double blessings. This has kept on since ancient times, times when twins were worshipped as gods and persecuted as witches. But, with the evolution of man's thoughts, conscience and morals, things took a positive turn. Especially in West Africa, where parents with twins are given special names. But this didn't cancel the fact twins were still seen as special beings born with special powers. Indeed, certain men with eyes and minds superior to others, knew that identical beings or beings coming from one womb at seemingly the same time, came with a bonus. That bonus could be anything but there definitely was a bonus. That was the case with Leon and Leo. Their coming wasn't predicted or foretold, but every member could agree that their arrival was miraculous. Their labour time was the shortest in the whole history of the family (15mins of painless labour). The family didn't have to pay any hospital fees and were miraculously given money to take care of them during their first three years. Their parents had sudden breakthroughs in all they did and all their hands touched. Prosperity began flooding their home for 19 good years, till that incident happened. When the twins turned 17 of age, their whole family made a trip to the village. They went for a little resting period, showing their kids their origins. During their two weeks stay in the village, Leon encountered someone who was long gone. He didn't know with whom he had discussed, or with what he had discussed. But he was amazed by that being's wisdom, knowledge and eloquence. His first encounter was around 10 p.m. That day, 17year old Leon felt an urgent pull to urinate. In the village, there were no toilets indoors, so Leon went to the toilet behind the house. The moon that night was very bright and the night felt like a day. When he was coming back, he saw an old man standing at the raffia gate enclosing the compound. The man looked in his late fifties, but his smile gave off his real age. Like all young guys, Leon didn't have the courage to go to that man. He immediately ran back into the house and reported the presence of a certain individual to his parents. His parents immediately went to see who it was but no one was there. His dad held Leon and said;

"There are beings, entities that only appear in the depths of darkness. When you encounter them, don't speak to them. If you can ignore them, do so. If you can't then close your eyes. Do you hear me?"

Leon nodded. He was amazed by his father's disposition to believe in what he had reported. But what his dad didn't insert in his equational advice was Leon's stage of life. Leon was at that age where all youth like to test and see before believing. The following day, he ventured out of the house but not out of the compound at that same time, but there was no shadow of that old man. The next day as he was coming back from the farm with his mother, he saw the old man on the guava tree two steps from their compound. The man was eating guava despite having little or no teeth in his mouth. Leon laughed at the old man actively fighting with the guava.

"What is funny?" Leon's mom asked.

"Nothing mom. Just something Leo told me one day that resurfaced." Leon said, struggling to stop laughing but it was more than him. It was midday when that man was on the guava tree and what his dad had told him came back to him.

"Daddy spoke of the night and not the day, right? Means am not technically disobeying him" Leon spoke to himself. With that swing of thought, he rapidly left the house and went toward the guava tree. The old man was still fighting with that same guava that Leon had spotted him with.

"Hey old man," Leon spoke, with no drop of fear.

"What are you brat?" The old man difficultly asked. Leon didn't know what to say.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I am a spirit. Tied to this plane because of a certain ritual my grandkids did." The old man answered, looking straight into Joseph's eyes.

"Surely hunger is troubling you, old pa. I can help you mash your guava if you want." Leon answered, brushing off the old man's remark. But then, the old man dug his gums into the guava, biting off a big piece. When he opened his mouth to speak, a brand-new dentition was vividly crushing the fruit.

"Should I explain or you have caught the picture?" The old man asked, with Leon's voice.

"That's unnecessary. You are what you say you are." Leon answered.

"But yet, you are still clueless about what you are." The old man continued, biting another piece of guava and chewing it with such enthusiasm and joy.

"And what am I? Enlighten me if you please." Leon mocked, followed by a light reverence.

"What a proud guy you are."

"I won't deny that." Leon nodded.

"Ok, proud guy," the old man pulled. "You are what we call in our language ITANRA. A bridge. But not any kind of bridge. Your body, your essence, and your existence serve as a justification of the world beyond the physical world."

"Only that?" Leon brushed.

"You don't seem surprised. Talk less of being impressed." The old man spoke, climbing down from the tree. For an unknown reason, Leon wasn't impressed by what the old man said. Part of him had always felt special. Just being a twin is already being someone special, Leon always thought. So, that information didn't have any effect on him.

"If that was to tell me that I am special, then your bullet didn't hit the spot," Leon spoke, facing the now-looking 16year old man.

"More to that you seem to possess such great awareness and spiritual disposal. But be careful, kid. Your kind has always ended up with all sorts of difficult decisions to make. Hope you won't be a victim." The old man said, phasing through Leon and finally vanishing. Leon felt a warm and comfortable heat emanating from within him as the old man phased through him. His blood seemed to have instinctively recognized a similar gene. The only conclusion was, that man belonged to the BINGANA family. That night, Leon slept with a wide smile of accomplishment. He felt more special. He felt an added value to his personality and existence. But he got up the next day with his right hand numb. That night Leon dreamed he was in the farm with his parents, harvesting vegetables. Then suddenly an arrow came out from nowhere, aiming for his mother. Leon shielded his mom, with the arrow burying itself in his right hand. When Leon woke up from that dream, he felt a sharp pain at the exact point the arrow touched him in his dream. When the pain vanished, his right arm went completely numb. It felt as though his arm had been chopped off from his body. He immediately screamed and his mom landed in his room. Leon narrated his dream and the physical effect of the dream to his mom. His mom immediately fetched her husband and both left without further notice. Their destination was the chief's palace. They had no appointment but Leon couldn't go back to school being lame on one hand. They were blocked at the gate to the chief's house but with a lot of shouting and struggle, they forced their way in and asked to meet the chief. The chief came and heard their story and immediately summoned his healer. The healer came and covered Leon's face with an old leather cap. That had as effect of putting Leon into a deep sleep. Despite being asleep, Leon was capable of witnessing all that happened. His spirit had mysteriously left his body and was roaming around the room, observing what the healer did.

"That was a forced baptism, ITANRA." A familiar voice whispered in Leon's ear.

"A baptism? You speak like it was bound to happen." Leon responded, grabbing the young guy by the wrist.

"You can call me Simon by the way."

"Simon? Good. Makes things easy. Who are you?" Leon voiced angrily.

"No need to be angry, young guy. Sooner or later you would have faced that. Unlike your twin brother, you are fully awakened. You can see what is supposed not to be seen. You can see those from beyond. You can see creatures that hunt people's dreams. You can see witches, and wizards during their late-night transactions. You can even do your own transactions. In summary, you can manipulate cosmic energy to your will." Simon said.

"You just keep telling me the cake. When does the axe enter?" Leon sarcastically asked.

"What if I told you there was no axe?" Simon said, with a smile almost touching his ears.

"I would say you are a fraud."

"Well, you are right. If there were no axe, you would probably be a god. But life is balanced. The catch is, you trade energy for energy. You will always have to make sure your energy never reaches zero or else you will be totally vulnerable." Simon responded, passing through Leon's mom and dad.

"Vulnerable? Against what?" Leon asked, panicking.

"The attack yesterday was meant to kill your mom. It needed not to hit your mom at a vital spot. Just grazing a fingernail or toe flesh was enough. It would start with a little pain. Then degenerates to give an inexplicable disease."

"I see…"

"But you are graced with much energy. You should have died from that arrow but yet you survived. You seem to have more energy compared to the person who shot the arrow." Simon answered

"And how do I replenish my energy?" Leon asked.

"There are two ways. The number 1 way and the best way. You believe in God. Have faith in Him. Follow his commandments and read His word. He shall share his wisdom with you, strengthening your faith and renewing your persona every morning."

"And the second way?"

"You are still too young to know about that and it isn't a good way. When you will be ready, the answer will come to you." Simon said, turning his back away from Leon.

"Wait. Just te—" Leon's right hand suddenly vanished. Then followed by the right leg. Parts of his body kept disappearing till he opened his eyes to the world of the living, the physical world. He was back in his body and the paralysis had mysteriously vanished. The healer had dutifully executed his job, leaving Leon's parents with tears of joy. They thanked the chief and left the palace. Leon's parents had one thing in mind, leaving the village but Leon wasn't in sync with them. He wanted to know who had done that to him. During the remaining vacation days, Leon kept practising how to leave his body when asleep but it wasn't fruitful. He thought his body had memorised the condition that led to his spirit escaping its physical cage. He needed more information and only one person could help him. One living person, capable of pulling a spirit and putting it back into its body. So, Leon convinced his parents to go and thank the healer. His main aim was to make the healer give him the information he needed. But he was gravely disappointed. The healer knew of his thoughts before Leon had stepped into his vicinity. He loved the gesture made by Leon's parents but warned Leon severely.

"There are rules to follow and camps to choose. You are trying to bite a lump of meat too tough for you to chew. I won't be the accelerator of your demise."

That was enough for Leon to give up his grand plans of justice towards the arrow shooter. He left the village, scared of ever stepping his foot back. Leon decided to follow Simon's advice. He became fervently active in his church. Reading, praying, fasting and giving offerings. Evangelising and teaching the word was Leon's hobby. He believed in the renewal of his existence every glorious morning. All seemed to go well, all seemed to move as Leon wished. He graduated from high school and swiftly continued his studies at the University of Yaounde 1. In Level 2, Leon was now 19 years old and dreams were his daily matters. As an art student, he dreamed of changing Cameroon's entertainment world. He wrote down all sorts of one-shot stories but didn't publish them. He spent his time reading them to his number one fan; the one and only BINGANA Risa. She was only 13 years when she got compelled by her uncle's presence, intelligence and kindness. Leon treated her as his own younger sister. He flooded her with gifts, with pet names and unmeasurable love. Risa's existence brightened the BINGANA household and Leon's life in particular. She was Leon's source of inspiration. Unfortunately, life can be cruel to those who are kind-hearted. This incident happened when Leon was in level 3. He was coming back home from a prayer session around 10 p.m. He saw at a certain distance, a little young girl looking battered and putting on filthy dresses. The girl was staggering and trying to use the surrounding environment to walk. But her legs couldn't support her anymore and she fell to the ground. Leon rapidly rushed to her stead and was horrified. It was Risa lying on the floor and difficultly breathing. Her dress was widely torn, revealing all the bruises she had sustained. Her legs seemed to have been a centre of torture, swollen and was the part with the greatest number of cuts. She was covered in blood and blood also flew from her divine entrance. She reeked of semen and several other fluids. Leon didn't know how to react at that instant. He wanted to scream but he couldn't. It wasn't the time to cry, for Risa's life was in danger. Leon carried her and stopped a taxi. He paid for an express drive to the nearest hospital. Upon entering the hospital, the nurses at the door screamed at the site of little Risa. She was immediately transported to the emergency ward. In the meantime, Leon called Risa's mom, crying on the phone while explaining in what state he had found Risa. Risa's parents were shocked at the bruises on Risa's body. Why would someone do such?

"Knowing Risa, she surely resisted her assailants." Her mother spoke, looking at the pitiful state of her first daughter. Leon just couldn't stop his tears from flowing. Risa had passed out on the way to the hospital and Leon feared the worst. He couldn't forgive those who did that. He needed to vent his anger, frustration and stress on those thugs. But he had no physical means of knowing who they were. Acknowledging his weakness, Leon kept praying for Risa's recovery. Visiting every day, reading her favourite stories, and playing her songs from time to time. After a week, Risa opened her eyes to the world of the living. Her eyes still looked sleepy but at least she was alive. Leon called the nurse who came along with the doctor. They inspected some physiological parameters and deemed Risa was fine.

"Hello, girl. How are you?" Leon asked, stroking Risa's jaws gently.

"I am fine. What happened to me?" Risa confusedly asked.

"Don't you remember anything? Anything before you blacked out and opened your eyes to this scenery?" Leon asked. Risa tried to retrace her movements and suddenly fainted. It seemed as if remembering was a heavy deal. When she came back to herself, Leon was holding her hand and deeply praying.

"Uncle. Are you ok?" Risa inquired.

"I am the one who is supposed to be asking you such a question," Leon responded, giggling. It didn't matter if Risa couldn't remember. All that mattered was that Risa was alive. If she had forgotten the events that had left her unconscious on the main road, then it was for the better. 3 weeks later and Risa was discharged. Most of the scars on her face and stomach had vanished, but those on her legs, thighs and back, still lingered. Life went on and all seemed to be moving for the good of the family, except for one thing. Risa's memory was gradually fading and with each memory lost, folly was the gain. As time went on, Risa was gradually losing her mind. She didn't recognise anyone at home and all she did was brush death in all her actions. Leon only had his eyes to watch and his knees to bend and pray. He kept praying but the situation seemed not to change. It seemed as if the more he prayed, the more it worsened. Tired of that situation, he visited a certain practitioner of mystic arts that gave him a certain incantation. The practitioner told him about a certain special book said to have spells to command angels, demons and all existent principalities. That this book is the key to saving Risa. When Leon went back with the spell, he asked Risa to be tied and brought to church. He convinced the whole family that he would go and pray against any spiritual entity afflicting Risa. He reassured them that he will be coming back with a rejuvenated Risa. No one objected Leon and executed what he said and saw them off at the church. Leon carried Risa to the prayer room and lay her on the prayer mat. He removed the spell and waited for his watch to hit midnight. At exactly a few minutes past midnight, Leon read the incantation. The spell was to summon the strongest angel ever named in the Bible. Fortunately, and also, unfortunately, the spell worked too well. Leon witnessed the floor below him vanishing and he began falling into a void. Scared of not knowing or understanding what was happening, Leon began praying. He began begging;

"Lord I know I have sinned against you. Dabbing into what you strictly forbid in your word. I am sorry. So sorry. Please save me."

The effect of his prayer was immediate. Leon could feel the sturdiness of the floor of the prayer room. But the air in the room felt heavy and suffocating. Leon's whole body began being scared. There was an extra presence that gave Leon the chills. He suddenly heard a voice calling him loudly. The voice came from within him but yet resonated in the whole room.

"Who are you?!" Leon inquired with his knees on the floor and his forehead touching the ground.

"DIDN'T YOU JUST PRAY TO ME? ASKING ME TO SAVE YOU?" The voice answered, with each word making the whole church tremble. Leon was shocked. Fear stroke him, leaving him speechless. Though he tried very hard to form some words, he couldn't. His whole body denied him from speaking. The only noise he made was from the chattering of his teeth.


"Thanks… Veeeery much…" Leon trembled.


"You have read my mind, Lord," Leon answered.


Leon executed. When his right hand touched his forehead, a little electric current coursed through his whole body. His eyes become very hot as though the liquids in his eyes were boiling, but they didn't pain. When the heat subsided, Leon's vision was somehow different. He seemed to see some dust particles being emitted and absorbed by his environment. Though he didn't understand what he saw, he was amazed by what was happening.


Leon stood up and looked at Risa. He could see through her despite the clothes she wore. Leon noticed two strange patterns. One drawn on her head and one on her lower stomach. Particles seemed to be leaving those two body patterns, heading towards a certain direction.


"I understand. I finally understand. All I have to do is wipe off those markings and Risa will return to normal. Am I right?"


"And how do I wipe off those markings?" Leon happily inquired.

The voice didn't speak but showed him what he had to do.

"That isn't possible. YOU condemn it in your word. Why ask me do that?" Leon cried out.

The voice didn't respond. His presence had completely vanished. Was it the LORD? Was it actually God? Leon began doubting. God wouldn't ask him to commit such a grave sin. But again, God's ways are not man's ways. So, if that is the only way, then so be it. With his evolved eyes, Leon saw a spot on Risa's forehead that would tweak her state of being. So, he touched Risa on the forehead, putting her in a state of arousal. He untied her and then undressed her. He also removed his clothes and kneeled above Risa. He gently pulled apart Risa's thighs and with his wood, he began trying to nail the pin. Risa's entrance was still too tight and hence difficult to open. But Leon had to go through it. And as he forced his way through, Risa began screaming. She wasn't moaning out of pleasure but screaming out of pain. A little blood began flowing, but Leon didn't stop. He instead used that to push deeper. Risa's body was twitching in pain as Leon kept pushing. And when he was finally in, he was communicated the painful memories Risa had lived that day. He saw his little niece happily skipping home. He saw her surrounded by a group of guys trying to get hold of her. He saw Risa fighting back but being overpowered by those youthful men. He saw Risa being carried to an unfinished house not far from theirs. And in there, he witnessed the chief of those men forcefully put into Risa's mouth a certain powder. He saw the guy thrusting into Risa while saying strange words. Risa was just 13years and she got her hymen torn, causing blood flow. When he had finished, his guys turn after turn did what they wanted to Risa. Risa passed out several times and was reanimated several times. When they were fed up, they carried Risa and left her at a certain dark alley. All she had as carriage, were her feet and a little voice telling her to get back home. He felt Risa's pain, Risa's tears and Risa's strength. He saw Risa staggering again, as she tried to walk back home. But being traumatised, her mind was the first to give up and as such, her legs followed and Risa fell on the main road. Leon was actually doing what that fellow did but reversing the effects of his spell. With that single trust, Leon saw the patterns slightly decomposing. As he began the to-and-fro thrusting action, the patterns crumbled and crumbled. He did that till they had all vanished and turned to dust-like particles. All those dust particles flooded towards him and entered his body. Leon felt a surge in strength and spiritual energy. It was just so different from what he felt every morning. He completely understood what that guy had done and was doing to Risa. He was tapping into Risa's life force. Leon also discovered that during such an act, he could lose part of his life force. But with the know-how, the reverse was also true. He could drain someone's life force. Indirectly taking someone's blessings of the day, week, month, year or life. With Risa still unconscious, Leon carried her to the pastor's bathroom. He took a hand towel, soaked it and began cleaning Risa. When he had finished, he dried her, put on the clothes she wore and left her to sleep on the mat in the prayer room. He left the prayer room, went to the church altar, and began weeping. He cried and cried because he had realized his mistake. One doesn't dab with cosmic forces without any consequence. He didn't know what will be the consequences but he felt deep within his spirit that he had committed an atrocity. Though it was to save someone's life, his blood couldn't help from trembling at the thought of what had just happened. Leon was also convinced about the voice he heard. It wasn't what it pretended to be. The entity he had summoned was not his ally nor a being to call back. He fell on the floor, crying like a little kid till he fell asleep. The floor, despite being cold was very comfortable for Leon. Leon rolled on the floor as though he was sleeping on a soft cushion. With a gentle tap on the sole of his feet, Leon skipped up like a soldier. Risa was just in front of him, smiling as ever.

"Uncle Leon. It is already late in the morning. You will be late for school." Risa greeted. Leon couldn't help himself from shedding tears of joy. He hugged Risa while crying, wiping his snot all over her dresses.

"That's gross uncle. What is going on?" Risa asked, pushing her uncle away.

"Nothing is going on," Leon said, dragging his snot back into where it came from. "All is finally well."

"If you say so. Geez, you have dirtied one of my favourite dresses." Risa complained.

"You are complaining?" Leon laughed.

"What's so funny?" Risa wondered.

"I will buy you a different one. Is that ok?" Leon said, standing up to his feet and holding Risa's hand. They both marched out of the church and walked back home. Arriving at home, everybody was shocked. Risa had regained her senses and her brightness.

"Leon, prayers indeed work." Risa's mom cried.

"God is indeed a miracle doer," Leon answered, living them and enclosing himself in his private quarters. He put on a very loud gospel sound and lay on his bed.

"So, tell me where I can find him? No, show me where I can find him." Leon said, his voice muffled by the gospel sound that was resonating across the whole house.


"I don't care. He must pay. Ten folds. No, a hundred folds. No, thousand. A million times."


"The pleasure will be torturing him as he did to Risa. The dust will just be a bonus."

"WELL WELL WELL." The voice said, with a humorous tone. "SO BE IT. KNOCK YOURSELF OUT"

Committing the taboo against his blood had made Leon become a being living based on his pulses. Satisfying any of his little desire. The action he took had corrupted his spirit, breaking that fine shell of self-control he possessed. That was the beginning of trouble in the BINGANA household.