
3rd Person Pov~

You all know the story of the first vampire family or as others call them "The Originals" but not everything was told, you see the Mikaelson family had 8 children. The oldest being Freya, then Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik. I know what your thinking that's only 7. Well the 8th is a different story, her name is Rosalinda and she was born 2 years before Henrik. Growing up with her siblings wasn't the easiest but she wouldn't have had it any other way.

Things in life changed for Rosalinda when she was 10. You see without knowing it she tapped into her magic, only 1 of her siblings have done so and that was Kol but her mother was worried because nobody should have tapped into their magic that early. But Esther and Ayanna did everything in their power to help train her and make sure she got control. They did everything from teaching her spells to teach her to feel nature around her, to help her learn everything she needed. Rosalinda would always practice for hours each day and she had control until one day.

~Year 995~

The day was like no other it was the day Mikael first struck her brother, she was so mad because of this, and without meaning to she magically threw her "father" across the yard away from her brother. Once Mikael got up he was very angry and rushed towards Rosalinda, once he was close enough to her he went to strike her just like he did Niklaus but something weird yet amazing happened a force field as thing propelled him back so hard he flew into the air was throw about 4 feet away. Nobody knew what happened not even Esther. Everyone was shocked But what happened next shocked everyone even more.

A puff of dark red smoke appeared by Rosalinda and once the smoke cleared there stood a man.

Esther: Rumple?

Rumple: Hello dearie. Do you dare let that man put his hands on our daughter?

Mikael: Your daughter? Ha, that's a laugh.

But as Mikael looked towards his wife, she just looked at the ground.

Mikael: Is it true?

Esther: Yes. She isn't your daughter she is his.

Mikael then grabs his sword and charges at the man but before Mikael could reach him he suddenly stops, dropping his sword, and starts gasping for breath.

Rumple: Do you know who I am dearie? I am not of this land. I have power beyond your knowledge and with it, I could strike you dead. But fear not human you shall remain alive. Only as I see fit, if you dare try and harm my child again I shall come back and rip out your heart.

With that Rumple kissed his daughter's head and teleported away.

~Year 998~

Years had passed and Mikael never tried to harm Rosalinda again but that didn't stop him from beating on Niklaus, whenever she could Rosalinda used her magic against Mikael to stop him. One day the beating was so bad he had cut Niklaus with his sword, Rosalinda got so mad she somehow had awoken her fathers' side of power. How did she know? She started choking him magically just like her father did years prior. From that point on Esther would send Rosalinda to her father once a week so she could learn his type of magic. Over a few years, she learned more and more and became stronger and more powerful.

As Rosalinda grew more and more her mother and father learned of a special prophecy about a girl born to a witch mother and a fairytale warlock father. But they couldn't read all of it as some had worn away and been destroyed. But from what they could read they knew someone amazing was to happen.

The prophecy read.

"A girl shall be born into the world, carrying two types of magic. She will come into her magic early and reign all the powerful. She will be born into a strong family, she will come into the family as the 7th child. With a witch for a mother and a special sorcerer for a father. The girl will have a beauty that none can compare to and that no one has ever seen. She will have so much power that all supernaturals will feel her presence whenever she is near just by the sheer power her magic gives off. All will come to either fear her or respect her or die by her hands. She will become the most powerful witch and sorceress of all time. All will bow on their knees for her or know her wrath. When the special time comes she will have a mate, said mate will be almost as powerful as she, but-."

And that's where the prophecy ends but once both parents had read said prophecy they knew right away that it was her. Their daughter would become something great and powerful but with great power comes great sacrifice. After all, all magic comes with a price, and everyone knows that. So knowing this they decided to keep it to themselves and just kept teaching her all she needed, until the day they'd reveal everything to her. But nothing could prepare her for what was to come.

Everything she knew, everything her family knew came crashing down on one very tragic day.

~Year 1001~

The Mikaelson family had just come out of hiding after the full moon. When they reached their home they heard screaming, it was Niklaus and he was carrying their youngest sibling Henrik. They had gone and watched the men tune to wolves but Henrik went too far and got attacked and sadly killed. Esther tried everything she could but nothing worked so she did what she thought was the next best thing. A couple of days later she called upon the sun and the ancient white oak tree to turn her kids into immortal beings but the spell backfired and turned them into the first-ever vampires. Esther however didn't turn her youngest because the witches wouldn't let her but what they did let her do and help her do was turn her into an immortal being nothing and no one would ever be able to kill her. The spell made her even more immortal than they thought because they didn't know by being the daughter of the dark one she already gained immortality. Thus making it to where not even the cure could make her mortal again.

For she is...

The Immortal Mikaelson Witch.

Years and years after she and her family became immortal beings she grew tired of all the running, even though she could kill Mikael her siblings didn't want to risk her turning dark. So when her other siblings came upon special daggers, that would make them sleep when shoved into their hearts, she came up with the idea to make one of her own for her. So that's exactly what she did. She used a fair amount of both her magic's and made a special dagger. When she finally decided, she allowed her brother Niklaus to dagger her, never telling him when to wake her.

But 300+ years later here he is pulling the dagger out of his very special and very powerful sister's heart.

Also, Rosalinda wears a daylight ring so everyone thinks she's an original vampire. And now you know about Rosalinda. So let the story begin. I would like to state that timelines, birthdays and many things have changed for the story to work. For example Baelfire, rumples son was born in 1847 in the show, however in this book he will be born in 847. Many other dates have changed as well but you'll see that more later on in the book.

Rosalinda is a very special person and is very gifted. She is able to do many things other witches and sorceress' can't do.