Chapter 16: Decisions..

SOTC: Epic Instrumental Music ~ Powerful and Dramatic


Before I could reply, loud screaming could be heard and suddenly a body could be seen falling from the sky. Without a second thought, I rush over to the person. Once they get up and dust themselves off, they turn towards me and I see that it's Rebekah.

Rosalinda: Rebekah?"

Rosalinda's Pov~

Rosalinda: Rebekah? What are you doing here? How are you here?

Rebekah: I don't know, all I remember is being taken by the council. I remember them stabbing me, and I remember thinking of you before I died.

Rosalinda: My magic must have somehow pulled you here.

Rebekah: Where is here exactly?

Rosalinda: I guess you can call it my little heaven. Silas says I created it while I was weakened. Apparently, it was a way to escape and heal.

Rebekah: Heal? Rosie, you died.

Rosalinda: My darling sister, I can't die. Sure the white oak can hurt me but it sure as hell can't kill me. It just put me in a magical coma while my body heals.

As Rebekah and I were walking around, the skies darkened as I looked up, I could tell this wasn't supposed to happen. Something or someone was fighting against the magic in the dream space. Before I could I could say anything, the wind instantly became harsh and started whipping around us.

Rosalinda: Rebekah... We need to leave right now.

I moved closer, holding out my hand to my sister. She moved forward with her classic walk. Her cocky and powerful walk.

Yet right before she could touch my hand a harsh wind blew past my hair and shot Rebekah back.

Rosalinda: Rebekah!

I screamed for my sister hoping she was ok. Before I could try and get to her and help her up, the wind was howling past my head pushing us farther and farther apart. My worry for my sister continued to grow as she to get farther away from me.

Rosalinda: Hold on!

I was packing but also trying to focus on getting closer to my sister. I was inches from her when the wind jerked her backward farther away making my sister scream out. My anger and fear shot through me making me throw out my hand. I couldn't help but mutter under my breath as I pulled my sister back to me.

As I reached Rebekah I noticed that the wind was trying to push against me. As if the place and my magic were working against me.

Rebekah: Rosie! Help me!

Rosalinda: Come on...

Rebekah instantly moved to me, quicker than I thought, it was as if my magic was finally working with me. When she was in reach I grabbed her hand tightly.

Before I could ask her if she was ok, I was jerked off my feet just like Rebekah. After a few moments of trying to fight whatever forces were doing this, I started to slowly lose my grip on Rebekah...

Rosalinda: Hold on Bekah! Hold on!

The wind continued to carry both of us, after a few moments of not being able to stop it, I finally connect my eyes with my sisters. Both of us saying our silent goodbyes. We then both closed our eyes waiting for what was to come next.

Suddenly my hand was grabbed and I was being pulled down. I quickly opened my eyes and saw Silas looking worried.

Silas: You didn't think I'd let you go that easily did you, sweetheart?

Rosalinda: I don't know what to do, my magic isn't working. Help.

Silas: If your magic can't stop this then neither can mine.

Rosalinda: What is happening? Why is nothing working?

Silas: My only guess is, whatever is happening is because Rebekah isn't supposed to be here. She was only meant to die temporarily but her being here is stopping her from returning to her body.

Rebekah: Rosie, it's ok. You have to let me go.

Rosalinda: No! I can't.

Silas: It's your magic, it's trying to remove her from here and return her to her body. If you don't, let her go, your magic will eat away at your dream state until there is nothing left.

Rebekah: Rosie, let go!

Rosalinda: If you aren't meant to be here then neither am I. If you go then I go.

Rebekah: I can't ask you to leave here, and to leave him. I'm sorry.

Rosalinda: Why are you sor-

Before I could finish, Rebekah uses her vampire strength and pulls my hand from hers, she's instantly taken away by the wind.

Rosalinda: Rebekah!!

I look down at Silas and then back up to Rebekah, but I can't see her anymore. Once Rebekah is out of sight, the wind stops and the sky clears yet again. As I fall, I'm caught by Silas who instantly hugs me when I touch the ground.

Silas: It's going to be ok.

Rosalinda: She's gone.

Silas: She will be fine, she's not gone forever. She's just returned to the living. You'll see her when you wake up.

Rosalinda: Yes she's returned but she's in danger. She was taken that's why she was temporarily killed. Someone has taken my sister and she needs me. I have to do something.

Silas: You can't, you are still healing.

Before I could reply I suddenly hear the words of my mother in my head.

"No matter who comes into your life, soulmate or not, remember family is forever and we put them first. You know what you need to do."

Rosalinda: I don't care. I have to help her.

Silas: Then go.

Rosalinda: I don't want to leave you, but I have to.

Silas: It's ok, I'll see you soon sweetheart.

Suddenly, the ground starts to shake and a bright light engulfs me, so bright I have to shield my eyes away, no longer being able to see silence. When the shaking stops and the light is gone. I open my eyes...

Rebekah's Pov~

I gasp awake, I sit up and look around noticing I'm locked in a cell. I stand up and try and break the bars, but I can't I'm too weak. Suddenly vervain fumes come out of vents and go everywhere in my cell. I try and fight the pin but I can't.

I feel myself about to blackout, but before I do I hear a voice inside my head.

"I'm coming. You'll be ok soon."

As I blackout, I can't help but feel ok, knowing that my sister was coming and that the people that took me are going to pay.

A/N: And that is all for this chapter, I know you guys have been waiting a while, and for that I'm sorry but I wanted it to be very good before I posted.

Anyways what did you guys think?

Did you like the chapter?

Do you think Rosalinda is ok?

Do you think she's gonna regret leaving Silas and waking up?

Do you guys like Rosalinda and Silas so far?

What do you think is gonna happen when Rosalinda goes and find Rebekah?

What would you guys like to see happen next?

That is for this chapter. As always please feel free to Vote, Comment, and Share if you'd like, and like normal please comment on any grammatical errors and let me know so that I can fix them right away.

Anyways, bye you guys!

Word Count: 1277