Boom boom


"Boom, boom!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The eyelid of the person lying inside of the coffin couldn't help twitching as these booming sounds roared out.

Eventually, it became so loud that the person couldn't help opening their eyes and roaring out, "What is that sound!"

That person suddenly sat up in their coffin when they roared this out, but there was no one else in this room with them, so their roar just echoed through the empty room.

Even after they roared out, the booming sounds kept echoing out, so this person had no choice but to sit up and investigate that sound.

It had been close to ten years since he had last woken up, so he was quite grumpy at being suddenly woken up like this. However, after clearing his mind, he remembered why he had been waiting the entire time and couldn't help being excited.

Didn't this sound mean that the final person chosen for the trial was finally here?